The balance in PVP mode

Discussion in 'PvP (Player vs. Player)' started by Thavythegreat, Oct 14, 2023.

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  1. Thavythegreat

    Thavythegreat Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, I have some idea how to deal with balancing PVP mode. This idea might or might not work, it depends, how will be players motivated to play PvP mode. I can even share that idea, but NOW this balancing.

    So I looked on different characters all over the game and I saw that power of player is defined by equipment (the items you wear). This might lead to finding arena of players via these points.

    Because of higher level in game you can get better items with more points, so there we can avoid the problem of joining the PvP and get killed someone with higher level or kill everyone on one shot. Neither of this would not be enjoyable for longer playing of PvP mode.

    If i get back to these "points", defining the power of player, it might look hard to balance, how big difference can be between players. To answer this, we can just look to average number of points from the beginning (level 1) to the endgame (level 100). If we put this score to excel we get nice curve, showing average points. From this math graph we can easily put players to groups with similar power level.

    If you see somewhere in this balancing a problem i would be happy to get back feedback.

    [to make players play PvP mode is there a way. No, the ranking system will not be necessary, don ´t worry. We just need the motivation to play, for example get more points from PvP, combined with some rewards (can be existing rewards, bottles, scrolls, weapons, or some crafting material which is repetitive ect.) which can motivate the player. Even if the PvP might help player with the progress in event (little, the player can not complete (only if he is insane) full event via ARENA). I think this is the way players will be motivated to play ARENA, just because they are tired of running one map million times, just to get some herbs or broken multitool or steam cores]
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