Suggestion The Counterattack of Humanity

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by HellenicMacedonian, Jun 26, 2018.

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  1. HellenicMacedonian

    HellenicMacedonian Active Author

    The basic idea is a new series of maps that their heroes cross over to get together on the last map and eventually kill a big final boss.

    The countdown begins to start the action, initially on the first map to go to the second and have a checkpoint.

    What exactly will these maps differ from everyone else?

    First, there will be no drops.

    There will be no time to collect rewards, the heroes will be constantly on the move for defense and attack.

    Second, there will be a singularity in these maps.

    Anyone who dies will remain dead. He/She will not be able to continue along with the others who will be heading to the next map.

    It must necessarily wait for the next Countdown.

    Each time the team finishes the map then it will only be rewarded as it will earn a checkpoint for the next map.

    What will happen to the heroes who have passed on to the next map and what exactly does the checkpoint mean?

    The checkpoint means that each individual hero who decides to continue the event --at any moment wants it-- starts from this point and not from the first.

    He/She will be able to continue with his/her original team or make a new one with the other players at the same checkpoint.

    This means that the teams that initially started in groups of five and ended up less could be reconstituted.

    What happens when players reach the final map?

    As will be done with all the maps and each time, a countdown will start and depending on how many groups are formed for the final boss, they will be divided into groups of three or more and will participate in the extermination of the final boss...

    ...three groups together ... three groups of about five members each, so we're talking about 3x5 = 15 heroes in the boss.

    In short, this is the idea.

    A portal has been discovered that can lead us to the one who "orchestrated" the invasion of monsters in Dracania.

    By invading the forts of the sworn enemy.

    In an unprecedented counterattack.

    Let the heroes stop the defense and start the counterattack in the "Dragon's Nest".

    A new series of maps with a great deal of difficulty, with traps, with large flaming rocks crossing our passage, with new skeleton warriors or trolls capable of throwing spears and tear us apart.

    Staying constantly alert and highly realistic death.

    It will mainly concern end players...

    ...and could have two modes.

    The first mode would involve random groups of players and the second mode would involve groups of guilds.
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