Bug The jewel from the event

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by ShadowExpress, Jul 25, 2023.

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  1. ShadowExpress

    ShadowExpress Forum Greenhorn

    Hi there, I just got the new jewel, but that is not all I got another 49 of it, one i placed on my character, what should i do with those 49 that remained, i dont want to do bug abuse or something

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Place them in a circle around you, it will protect you from future DDOS attacks
    Alpaca and Selene-Rip like this.
  3. StayinFrosty

    StayinFrosty Junior Expert

    Leave them like that in inventory or destroy I guess, as long as you don't melt/sell it should be fine
  4. Reigns

    Reigns Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, I got a jewel from the summer festival, in magical blue color, but when I upgraded it to legendary (orange) https://prikachi.net/image/1hku , but their effect is the same, there is no upgrade in legendary (orange)
  5. RacoonBoyTrashPanda

    RacoonBoyTrashPanda Forum Apprentice

    ive tested it, it says 10% but heals 40% as intended, its just a text error. btw i too got 49 more jewels, i personally havent touched them, just took 1 away from the stack. i hope they can find a way to "take them away" without punishing non-exploiters, because currently there are people who are idiotic and spend a bunch of andermants on tickets just to get more drops of 50x because its like 440K dust~
    FAALHAAS likes this.
  6. TheSword26

    TheSword26 Forum Apprentice

    Sorry for the question, but how and where you found the jewel? I mean, I am not using the attire and I found no jewel yet
  7. RacoonBoyTrashPanda

    RacoonBoyTrashPanda Forum Apprentice

    only drops if you have the attire lol
  8. gintarszb

    gintarszb Junior Expert

    My ranger (my main toon) got this blue rarity jewel from jewel chest for 10 token, without attire .;)
    Other my chars got other jewels from the possible list.(mage- duplicate :(, war- frozen heart :cool: , dwarf - jewel of focus :))
  9. Przyjaciel

    Przyjaciel Someday Author

    What attire? cloak or?
  10. gintarszb

    gintarszb Junior Expert

    With "Attire" (aka red cape/cloak) from the game shop for real money, jewel can drop from mini-games chests. Without attire - from "Jewels" chest for 10 tokens , if you lucky :)
  11. Kiwigal1244

    Kiwigal1244 Active Author

    I also got same Jewel from the Jewel Chest for 10 Tokens,
    But the game went into error code and DC me from client.

    When I logged back on the Jewel was no longer there.
    Sent ticket & told to *take picture next time it happens*

    That would be impossible with error code on screen!!!

    Very unhappy
  12. baca69

    baca69 Forum Apprentice

    i had some funny problem to with thos jewels i opened the box i got 1x health and 1x 1h weapon dmg raise i was wathching them thinking maybe to melt 1h dmg jewel couple sec later i got nebula after respawn my jewel box was there unopened i was like EDIT,i opened then i got crapy unneded jewels melted straight away
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 18, 2023