This Forum is it dead ?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by edrogers58, Jul 15, 2021.

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  1. edrogers58

    edrogers58 Regular

    Be nice to get updates from Moderators so we know when the servers are going offline.
    Not just see it pop up 30 minutes left until closing.
    If you want this Forum closed just do it.
    This is not hating on the game either it is frustration about not being kept informed.
    Reminds me when this CE came in lack of communication 0 help , shame Haruki and Greg were not around decent CM's that helped the community.
    tozagol likes this.
  2. Anyki

    Anyki User

    It is not "dead." We moderators weren't informed of this surprise downtime and patch, we're just as surprised as you are.
  3. edrogers58

    edrogers58 Regular

    I see what it was for first time I logged in since.
    So if you have NO JOB NO LIFE NO FAMILY can spend 10-12 hours a day on this you can finish an event and go this is easy what are you complaining about ?
    But if you do work and this is only something to do with your spare time we will nerf it stop the boss kill quest and make you grind to finish it.
    The Developers are making this less and less appealing to social players.
    Just a heads up you may want to pass it on.
    tozagol and Dragenstein like this.