this is good??

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by kikomans, Dec 26, 2013.

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  1. kikomans

    kikomans Forum Apprentice


    this is good?? i but 24k anderment for that set
  2. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    No actually its not good.. -.- 24k andermants??? You could buy for that amount around 6k cot's and ID 8 legendary items for you lvl, which would be far more better than those "uniq's"..
    Edit: You are still wearing heredur's orb?, melt that and id a magic one for your lvl it will be 3 times better than that.
  3. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Yeah that's a bad set. Don't buy the andermant uniques. There are few that are actually good. Buying CoTs is also very expensive. If you really need stats badly then farm Herald of the Anderworld for items and buy CoTs to ID them. Most of them will be better than the andermant uniques.

    But I guess it can do for now... just not for a very long time. I'd farm new stuff if I were you. But stay off level 35 if you plan to PvP because that's when you'll fight some very strong players.
  4. Amend

    Amend Junior Expert

    My lvl 28 extraordinary torso(I crafted this) is better than that and it only had to use 212 COT's to identify it... could have bought some nice gems instead of that :D
    I suggest farming arachna and only picking up magics and extraordinary, hold on to the magics to craft..oh and if you get the spider heart staff just melt it
    Good luck!
  5. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    :eek: Replace that cap as quickly as you can, Amend. It's probably the fugliest piece of armor in the game and it's stats for mage aren't good either. lol
    But improve where you need first.
  6. Amend

    Amend Junior Expert

    @TheInfamous I got a hold of some extraordinary caps, but they were half the armor value of the one i have now and only gave 54+ hp
  7. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    It's still fugly -_- lol

    Well, you know what's best for your character. It all depends on what stats you need.
  8. pewterbaugh

    pewterbaugh Forum Apprentice

    It will be beneficial to look into finding unique items to compensate from world drops and upgrade to a higher level like Remins Battle Harness is awesome. I had used it to gain and additional +50 attack. Found it in Slifmore from a skeleton. took 3 days to drop but starts at level 24 I think and is worth the upgrade.
    Good Luck

  9. Hellamyjamgirl

    Hellamyjamgirl Junior Expert

    Wow what a waste of andermands.. You could have bought alot of COT's and opened leg stuff, or bought gems. And that orb is useless for your lvl.
  10. Ash

    Ash Advanced

    Sorry you used so much anders for that. Other than 1 piece if you're really desperate, I would never buy gear. Crafted or dropped uniques are best, as everyone has said. Anders for gems and glyphs, cots if you must.

    I agree to get rid of the orb.

    As for the hood @TheInfamous , I like the way it looks. :D
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