Those who could not finish the kranpus 2 mini event here

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by darklord2020, Dec 27, 2023.

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  1. darklord2020

    darklord2020 Forum Apprentice

    I couldn't finish the Kranparus mini event because the game wasn't working. They did maintenance work on the last day, but did not add the time we lost to the event they need to extend the event period. because each mini event gives the piece needed to create jewelry. I can't wait another year for this.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2023
  2. StayinFrosty

    StayinFrosty Junior Expert

    Hi darklord2020,

    The event was extended by a day to compensate for this which should be enough time to finish the event, especially if started before the problems arrived. I too would have wished for more than a day but that's in the past now :/
  3. darklord2020

    darklord2020 Forum Apprentice

    The event period was not extended. One day before the end of the event, maintenance work was done and the game was fixed. The game was broken for 3 or 4 days. This needs to be compensated. I have been registered to this game since 2011 and I will delete it.

    I'm telling you that I couldn't finish the event because your game was broken, I'm really angry about this.

    A guy started a thread there saying the game crashed on Friday. Does it make sense to give 1 day additional time for 4 days of loss? There is no ratio, no proportion.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 27, 2023
    Alpaca and trakilaki like this.
  4. Flama

    Flama Forum Greenhorn

    The last day there were no lag in m1, why you not completed it then, huh?
  5. darklord2020

    darklord2020 Forum Apprentice

    I played until 2 am, there was 2k progress left and I couldn't finish it. I say that we lost 4 days and I defend the rights of all players here. You're asking me a useless question.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 28, 2023

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    I have to agree with OP. Some people forget there are also weaker players that need a bit more runs to finish an event. 1 extra week day after the whole weekend wasnt playable just isnt working for the newer/weaker players.
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    ... and the players didn't know about it.
    no it is not ... they should reward them through bonus code.
    Maybe because ... errrm ... no one told them about the extra time (regardless of the fact that time is not enough to finish the challenge).
    People are not bots ... they have life outside the game ...
    mrmlja, AndJustice4All and Alpaca like this.
  8. darklord2020

    darklord2020 Forum Apprentice

    You answered well, I appreciate you. We lost 4 days due to the game makers' mistake. and instead of giving us these 4 days, they say they extended it by 1 day. This event is held once a year and we have to finish the event in order to produce jewelry. Because 3 pieces of ice are required. There were only 2 thousand points left to finish.
    Alpaca likes this.
  9. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Exceptional Talent

    Instead of doing events they could give us a compensation directly this way we aren't going to waste our time doing them...
    Alpaca likes this.
  10. StayinFrosty

    StayinFrosty Junior Expert

    If they were so keen on completing the event they would notice that a day has been added. If you weren't paying attention to the time left it couldn't have been that important to begin with :^) But I understand that many DSO players have a very passionate desire to complain when the opportunity arises, and yes it is justified most of the time but this time you got the time needed.
  11. darklord2020

    darklord2020 Forum Apprentice

    what is your purpose? The game downtime is valid for 4 days. These lost times need to be added to the event. What are you trying to defend? Am I doing something wrong here?
  12. StayinFrosty

    StayinFrosty Junior Expert

    I am saying that if you really wanted to finish this event you could have easily done so with the extra time that was provided. No amount of excuses can change that fact. No one is a fan of this solution but you asked for the event to be extended, it got extended, and you missed it.
  13. darklord2020

    darklord2020 Forum Apprentice

    What do you not understand or what do you not want to understand? Your problem is poor understanding. The game was broken for the last 4 or 5 days after the Pine Tree arrived. I advocate adding this lost time to the event. And I couldn't finish the event in that extra 1 day because there was very little point left and the time ran out. So that 1 day was not enough for me.

    I will explain it to you in detail, just like I would explain it to a primary school child. The game was broken for 4 days. Logically, 4 extra days should be added to the event. Don't write anything anymore. Otherwise I don't intend to be polite to you.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 30, 2023
  14. StayinFrosty

    StayinFrosty Junior Expert

    This isn't "poor understanding" (interesting choice of words I must say). Its simply a matter of a problem being solved and you not approving of the solution. Enough time to complete the event was added, and you didn't act on the opportunity. The game isn't tailored for you, if you miss something, that's on you. 1 day is more than enough, for endgame players, for midgame players, and for early game players. If you have trouble finishing the event in 1 day there are countless of groups that would accept you in a heartbeat since they share the same goal. But in the end all is fine, since you brought out the highly advanced mathematics to prove some kind of point. However please try to dumb it down a little more since I'm apparently in primary school. If its some kind of riot you are trying to create then winning over people would be better than insulting them ^^

    Flama likes this.
  15. CaballoLoco

    CaballoLoco Active Author

    Quiet, colleagues, it is not necessary to insulted for a small difference in the interpretation of opinions.
    It has Stayinfrosty reason, when it says they have given us the opportunity to finish the event. And he also has reason Darklord2020, when he says that the time WUE have added is ridicul ability to appreciate other options.
    For my part, maybe I could have finished it, but it seemed much more interesting to entertain myself with my dog, drinking a beer.
    POSDATA: My girlfriend also .......
    Alpaca likes this.
  16. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    In my opinion the question is not being able to complete the challenge in one day, if a certain number of days have been given to complete it, it's certainly to meet the different needs of the players, who are then put in difficulty when the times are shortened. The game must be fun and not create stress. The lag (intended to remedy an error of percentages in the release of the tree rewards) could have been avoided if the developers were not repelled by the test server or at least did not have superficial knowledge of the game itself.
    gbit, trakilaki, Alpaca and 2 others like this.
  17. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Quite the contrary :)
    People forget what was like when they were starting the game and having weak toons.
    They haven't got the time to finish the challenge. Weak and average players can't play fast runs on bloodshed.
    They can't even run on an empty map ... they can't survive the hits from the heads on bloodshed and they would get off mount on low difficulty. Let us calculate how much time would be needed for them to finish the challenge if they play it on fatal difficulty.
    The time needed (at least officially) to open the cages before they are permanently closed is 4 minutes. Add on that the time needed to get to the top ... plus the time to make your way and get to the second map ...
    All in all ... with the best possible scenario , they would need ~10 minutes per run.
    The second challenge has 12600 progress ... and the max possible progress per run is 7x18=126 per run.
    12600/126= 100 runs needed to finish the challenge.
    100x 10 minutes = 1000 minutes = ~17 hours
    There is no human being (at least sane) capable of sitting for straight 17 hours in one spot and playing a game in same repeating turns, without blinking with eyes , without eating, without taking crap, without doing whatever they need to do in life ...
    And they need to know that the time was extended first ... and then get back from work or from whatever place they were at and living their real life ... and then maybe ... just maybe they could spare 2-3 hours playing that day.
    So no need of telling stories and fairy tales just to impress someone at BP ;)
    IF someone estimated that 10 days are needed a challenge to be run, at a first place, then 10 days should be given for the challenge completion. Every single day lost due to technical difficulties should be added and time extended respectively.
    The public perception is that the game was facing technical difficulties because of server issues ... which is not true ... the issues were made by incorrect settings by whoever set those values ... which would be the gardener and the janitor ... I mean the devs.
  18. darklord2020

    darklord2020 Forum Apprentice

    Sir, you have summarized the topic very well. I advocated for all lost days to be added to the event. However, some people criticized us and did not support us. Because they didn't defend what was fair, they wanted to look cute to the game makers. The fair thing is to add the lost 4-5 days to the event duration. It is only fair that the reward for the Kranparus 2 event is given to us with a bonus code.
    trakilaki likes this.