Tight Wad? Not Really.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jthames, Jan 3, 2014.

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  1. jthames

    jthames Advanced

    I guess the suggestion box was discontinued under the new Forum format or it's been hidden pretty well. Anyway, my suggestion/irritation today has to do with some of the late game or end game pricing. An example: I would dearly love to add a 5th slot to my main guys Wand, but to add an imaginary slot to an imaginary weapon that I may discard tomorrow would set me back right around 20 US dollars. To spend that kind of cash under those conditions, in my opinion anyway, would be retarded, nearly as retarded as naming a quest 'save the virgin':). Seriously, that's a brick wall for many of us, those costs are 50 to 75% to high and flat out ridiculous.
  2. dragons

    dragons Active Author

    We can join you in the club, but first we must welcome you.
  3. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

    For the new forums, suggestions for improvement can be listed in Development > Creative Corner. It may not be the most intuitive location, but it seems the most fitting of the available categories.

    If you happen to post in a different location, it's not a problem, popular ideas are all passed along to the community manager.
  4. jthames

    jthames Advanced

    Guess if I hadn't been so anxious to start whining, I'd have found it. My apologies.
  5. Kasherinae

    Kasherinae Junior Expert

    It depends on how good the wand is. If it's not at least 40% weapon damage, I'd ditch getting the fifth slot too.
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