Tired of missed logins

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by bigbadwolf61, Aug 24, 2014.

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  1. bigbadwolf61

    bigbadwolf61 Forum Apprentice

    I 've been playing for quite some time and I've been stopped several times from logging in to one server or another. I play on Heredur, Agathon and Tegan. Usually it resolves itself, but I have lost several login streaks and had to start over, and I'm starting to get peeved because support says it must be my fault,(i.e. I must have missed a login). So far this has happened between 15 and 20 times over the past year and a half. Mostly I just go with the flow and write it off, but it's starting to get irritating. Today a friend logged into his game on the same server on my computer and had no trouble. All he did was get the login. I tried to login right after and couldn't get a connection. My other servers I had no trouble getting on before and after and I don't understand HOW it can be my fault? If anyone else has this problem ( which doesn't happen that often, but does happen) please tell me what I can do
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