ΤΗΣLαsτLεgεиds opens the door

Discussion in 'Guild Introductions' started by нειsεηвεяg, Oct 6, 2018.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. нειsεηвεяg

    нειsεηвεяg Forum Greenhorn

    Hello guys we opened a guild in Heredur server and wanna make our guild really strong. Some member we found already before i write it now into the forum. We are strong members here and nobody thinks he's the best here.

    Our golden rules:

    -No insult guild members
    -No farm guild members in open pvp 5 times for honor before you didn't ask and have his yes
    -If you can't play longer than 1 week tell it to the guild masters or officier

    Now what we can offer to you:

    -help at events
    -help at parallel world runs (every mode)
    -our own discord server
    -helping you if you have any questions
    -a friendly atmosphere

    And now what you need to have if you wanna join:

    -good stats
    -age of 16
    -be friendly
    -be active

    good stats mean:

    -mage/ranger/dwarf: 30k max base dmg, 80% crit inf 1 and 300% crit dmg
    -tank: need to can tank all inf 3

    Our Leader and officiers:

    нειsεηвεяg (guild master)
    Sρlιτ (guild master)
    Яудифsдцrфs23 (officier)
    Mcmeee (officier)

    If you wanna join our guild than post your Stats our guild discord server in the "candidature-stats".
    We will tell you the result than.
    Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/j2gduDW
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2018
    AlmosTBlack likes this.
  2. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there,

    The most important thing is missing. What's your server? :)
  3. нειsεηвεяg

    нειsεηвεяg Forum Greenhorn

    thx for remember me^^ edited^^
  4. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there,

    Much better now :) We wish you all the best for your guild ;)
  5. нειsεηвεяg

    нειsεηвεяg Forum Greenhorn

    thanks sunlight^^
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2018