Game FAQ Titokzatos kockák tartalma

Discussion in 'Magyar szekció' started by StSanya, Dec 3, 2020.

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  1. StSanya

    StSanya Forum Baron

    Mystic Cubes






    Random Equipment

    Equipment (Common)






    Andermant (1000)
    Coins (based on level)
    Glyphs of Power (50)

    Andermant (1000)
    Coins (based on level)
    Glyphs of Power (100)

    Andermant (1000)
    Coins (based on level)
    Glyphs of Power (200)

    Andermant (1000)
    Coins (based on level)
    Glyphs of Power (500)

    Andermant (1000)
    Coins (based on level)
    Glyphs of Power (1000)


    Random Gem (Flawed – Flawless)

    Random Gem (Flawed – Flawless)

    Random Gem (Flawed – Flawless)

    Random Gem (Flawed – Flawless)

    Random Gem (Flawed – Flawless)


    The Legendary Kings War Horse
    Horned Fire Gnome (Improved)
    Little Raptor (Improved)
    Fire Rooster (Improved)
    Glowing Bone Man Costume
    Armored Skeleton Costume
    Dracania Style
    Rash Rhino
    Black War Scorpion
    Cloak of the Lost Prince

    The Legendary Kings War Horse
    Horned Fire Gnome (Improved)
    Little Raptor (Improved)
    Fire Rooster (Improved)
    Glowing Bone Man Costume
    Armored Skeleton Costume
    Dracanian Style
    Rash Rhino
    Black War Scorpion
    Cloak of the Lost Prince

    The Legendary Kings War Horse
    Horned Fire Gnome (Improved)
    Little Raptor (Improved)
    Fire Rooster (Improved)
    Glowing Bone Man Costume
    Armored Skeleton Costume
    Dracanian Style
    Rash Rhino
    Black War Scorpion
    Cloak of the Lost Prince

    The Legendary Kings War Horse
    Horned Fire Gnome (Improved)
    Little Raptor (Improved)
    Fire Rooster (Improved)
    Glowing Bone Man Costume
    Armored Skeleton Costume
    Dracanian Style
    Rash Rhino
    Black War Scorpion
    Cloak of the Lost Prince

    The Legendary Kings War Horse
    Horned Fire Gnome (Improved)
    Little Raptor (Improved)
    Fire Rooster (Improved)
    Glowing Bone Man Costume
    Armored Skeleton Costume
    Dracanian Style
    Rash Rhino
    Black War Scorpion
    Claok of the Lost Prince

    Unique Items

    Royal Pauldrons of the Onslaught
    Royal Shield of the Iron Brow
    Royal Seismic Smash Hammer
    Steam Mechanicus
    Royal Pauldrons of the Iron Dwarf
    Royal Iron Fist Pliers
    Royal Special Round Shotgun
    Royal Pauldrons of Singularity
    Royal Tome of the Guardians
    Royal Stroke of Lightning Staff
    Royal Pauldrons of the Hunting Trap
    Royal Bird of Prey Quiver
    Royal Safety Net Bow

    Royal Pauldrons of the Onslaught
    Royal Shield of the Iron Brow
    Royal Seismic Smash Hammer
    Steam Mechanicus
    Royal Pauldrons of the Iron Dwarf
    Royal Iron Fist Pliers
    Royal Special Round Shotgun
    Royal Pauldrons of Singularity
    Royal Tome of the Guardians
    Royal Stroke of Lightning Staff
    Royal Pauldrons of the Hunting Trap
    Royal Bird of Prey Quiver
    Royal Safety Net Bow

    Royal Pauldrons of the Onslaught
    Royal Shield of the Iron Brow
    Royal Seismic Smash Hammer
    Steam Mechanicus
    Royal Pauldrons of the Iron Dwarf
    Royal Iron Fist Pliers
    Royal Special Round Shotgun
    Royal Pauldrons of Singularity
    Royal Tome of the Guardians
    Royal Stroke of Lightning Staff
    Royal Pauldrons of the Hunting Trap
    Royal Bird of Prey Quiver
    Royal Safety Net Bow

    Royal Pauldrons of the Onslaught
    Royal Shield of the Iron Brow
    Royal Seismic Smash Hammer
    Steam Mechanicus
    Royal Pauldrons of the Iron Dwarf
    Royal Iron Fist Pliers
    Royal Special Round Shotgun
    Royal Pauldrons of Singularity
    Royal Tome of the Guardians
    Royal Stroke of Lightning Staff
    Royal Pauldrons of the Hunting Trap
    Royal Bird of Prey Quiver
    Royal Safety Net Bow

    Royal Pauldrons of the Onslaught
    Royal Shield of the Iron Brow
    Royal Seismic Smash Hammer
    Steam Mechanicus
    Royal Pauldrons of the Iron Dwarf
    Royal Iron Fist Pliers
    Royal Special Round Shotgun
    Royal Pauldrons of Singularity
    Royal Tome of the Guardians
    Royal Stroke of Lightning Staff
    Royal Pauldrons of the Hunting Trap
    Royal Bird of Prey Quiver
    Royal Safety Net Bow

    Set Items

    Agathon’s Lost Blade Shield
    Agathon’s Lost Amulet
    Agathon’s Lost Crystal
    Agathon’s Lost Battle Mace
    Agathon’s Lost Ring
    Steam Mechanicus
    Orsha’s Lost Carapace Shield
    Orsha’s Lost Amulet
    Orsha’s Lost Crystal
    Orsha’s Lost Firestorm
    Orsha’s Lost Ring
    Grimmag’s Lost Crystal Ball
    Grimmag’s Lost Amulet
    Grimmag’s Lost Crystal
    Grimmag’s Lost Enchanted Staff
    Grimmag’s Lost Ring
    Lehaine’s Lost War Quiver
    Lehaine’s Lost Amulet
    Lehaine’s Lost Spearhead
    Lehaine’s Lost Hunting Bow
    Lehaine’s Lost Ring

    Agathon’s Lost Blade Shield
    Agathon’s Lost Amulet
    Agathon’s Lost Crystal
    Agathon’s Lost Battle Mace
    Agathon’s Lost Ring
    Steam Mechanicus
    Orsha’s Lost Carapace Shield
    Orsha’s Lost Amulet
    Orsha’s Lost Crystal
    Orsha’s Lost Firestorm
    Orsha’s Lost Ring
    Grimmag’s Lost Crystal Ball
    Grimmag’s Lost Amulet
    Grimmag’s Lost Crystal
    Grimmag’s Lost Enchanted Staff
    Grimmag’s Lost Ring
    Lehaine’s Lost War Quiver
    Lehaine’s Lost Amulet
    Lehaine’s Lost Spearhead
    Lehaine’s Lost Hunting Bow
    Lehaine’s Lost Ring

    Agathon’s Lost Blade Shield
    Agathon’s Lost Amulet
    Agathon’s Lost Crystal
    Agathon’s Lost Battle Mace
    Agathon’s Lost Ring
    Steam Mechanicus
    Orsha’s Lost Carapace Shield
    Orsha’s Lost Amulet
    Orsha’s Lost Crystal
    Orsha’s Lost Firestorm
    Orsha’s Lost Ring
    Grimmag’s Lost Crystal Ball
    Grimmag’s Lost Amulet
    Grimmag’s Lost Crystal
    Grimmag’s Lost Enchanted Staff
    Grimmag’s Lost Ring
    Lehaine’s Lost War Quiver
    Lehaine’s Lost Amulet
    Lehaine’s Lost Spearhead
    Lehaine’s Lost Hunting Bow
    Lehaine’s Lost Ring

    Agathon’s Lost Blade Shield
    Agathon’s Lost Amulet
    Agathon’s Lost Crystal
    Agathon’s Lost Battle Mace
    Agathon’s Lost Ring
    Steam Mechanicus
    Orsha’s Lost Carapace Shield
    Orsha’s Lost Amulet
    Orsha’s Lost Crystal
    Orsha’s Lost Firestorm
    Orsha’s Lost Ring
    Grimmag’s Lost Crystal Ball
    Grimmag’s Lost Amulet
    Grimmag’s Lost Crystal
    Grimmag’s Lost Enchanted Staff
    Grimmag’s Lost Ring
    Lehaine’s Lost War Quiver
    Lehaine’s Lost Amulet
    Lehaine’s Lost Spearhead
    Lehaine’s Lost Hunting Bow
    Lehaine’s Lost Ring

    Agathon’s Lost Blade Shield
    Agathon’s Lost Amulet
    Agathon’s Lost Crystal
    Agathon’s Lost Battle Mace
    Agathon’s Lost Ring
    Steam Mechanicus
    Orsha’s Lost Carapace Shield
    Orsha’s Lost Amulet
    Orsha’s Lost Crystal
    Orsha’s Lost Firestorm
    Orsha’s Lost Ring
    Grimmag’s Lost Crystal Ball
    Grimmag’s Lost Amulet
    Grimmag’s Lost Crystal
    Grimmag’s Lost Enchanted Staff
    Grimmag’s Lost Ring
    Lehaine’s Lost War Quiver
    Lehaine’s Lost Amulet
    Lehaine’s Lost Spearhead
    Lehaine’s Lost Hunting Bow
    Lehaine’s Lost Ring
    Malinea and bibere like this.
  2. StSanya

    StSanya Forum Baron


    Kedves Játékosok!

    A 247-es frissítéssel számos fejlesztést hozunk a Titokzatos kockáknál!

    A jutalmak tovább fejlődtek, így még több értékes tárgyra van esélyetek, mint például pokoljáró töredék, szféra szilánk, erő rúnája, ősi tudás, drágakövek és még sok más!

    Vessetek egy pillantást a képre, amin részletes információkat találtok a
    frissített listára azokról az elemekről és fizetőeszközökről, amelyeket most megszerezhettek a kockák kinyitásával!

    Nagyon köszönjük a támogatásotokat!

    DSO team
    bibere likes this.
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