Transfer a hero from one account to another

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by golemiqt_razbiva4, Feb 10, 2019.

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  1. golemiqt_razbiva4

    golemiqt_razbiva4 Forum Greenhorn

    I wanted to ask how to proceed for transfering a dragonknight from one account to another. I started the game when i was 11-12 years old, befor 7-8 years. In those times i could't make two heros in same account s i decided to make a second. I played with the two heros from both accounts but now I ask myself why i didn't write it before. The bonus from mentors could upgrade the dragonknight faster than i did without it. So my question is ,,How to talk with someone from Bigpoint and to implore him/her to transfer it?" Thanks in advance.
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You can't transfer toons from one account to another.
    You also can't transfer toons/accounts from one server to another.
  3. golemiqt_razbiva4

    golemiqt_razbiva4 Forum Greenhorn

    Ok, but is it unfair? Long time ago i didn't have the opportunity to play with two heros.
  4. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Nah. Every one of us that played back then had to decide whether to play more than one account or choose just one and make new toons. Besides, your old toons are about as useful as a new toon in the current game.
  5. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @golemiqt_razbiva4 ,

    As explained, you can't transfer any character/items/sources, etc. between servers and characters. This is not possible.
    Questioned answered, thread closed.