Transfer blue bonus from 1 unic to another

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by eHss, Jul 1, 2017.

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  1. eHss

    eHss Forum Apprentice


    Its propably not first suggestion about it, but for sure much people have same feelings like me.

    much people transfer their items to for example herold weapons or grimmag boots, and i suggest that BP should add a posibility to transfer those bonuses from for example grimmag boots to dragan boots

    Add maybe some "joker cores" or just make NPC who do this
  2. Gevilson

    Gevilson Active Author

    Well, no need to add even more cores to the game's... core. :rolleyes: With the upcoming augment cores, soul cores will lose some purpose. This could be their new purpose, and I suppose it'll be their next move, since soul cores already deal with unique-unique tranference... I know it will happen sooner or later, so just keep your old uniques until then.
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