Trying to get an old account back.

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by fb_1fc910f0ef595, Apr 4, 2024.

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  1. fb_1fc910f0ef595

    fb_1fc910f0ef595 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, do you reckon there is anything I can do about this? I have a quite old account (not made in the Steam version) that I forgot the password to, only remember the username EDIT and the reset email doesn't come to my emails (I remember two emails the account used to be tied to), perhaps as a result of some past email switching I did in the past but forgot. I really want to get this account back but I'm worried I won't be able to.

    Hope I can get some help here, cheers.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 6, 2024
  2. Melethainiel

    Melethainiel Team Leader Team Drakensang Online


    Please don't share your account details .. anywhere, with anyone.
    That being said, we cannot assist you on the forum; you need to contact your language Support Team, tell them all the details you remember about the account, and they might be able to help, if it's possible.

    Good luck!:)