TS doing something with log-in/ Toons?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Kergo, Feb 28, 2014.

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  1. Kergo

    Kergo Forum Apprentice

    Just tried to log on to TS and found I have NO toons there at all. Please let this be a temporary log-in glitch and not the end of all my hard work on the ever ellusive cloak quest drops....
  2. Geobli

    Geobli Advanced

    Maybe the huge red warning box have to do something with that.

    I logged in, just to see if they "doing something with Toons" in general, but my "worthless" character was... let's say "alive".
  3. Kergo

    Kergo Forum Apprentice

    Panic over - they're back! Must've popped out for a quick gaff. You've got to watch them you know.... slacking on firm's time.. Just for that i'm going to make my ranger work for that Cloak of enlightenment!
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