TS down for weekend???

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DocWhisky, Feb 22, 2014.

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  1. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    Well, here it is, Saturday morning and I grab my steaming cup of coffee, fire up the lap top and settle in to work on my Test Server Characters.... finally.
    Wouldnt you know it? TS is down!... now the last 3 times I seen TS down on a Sat. Morn... it was down all weekend. Because those responsible for running TS dont work weekends or what ever....

    I know no one from the mods or BP care (lack of moderator feedback in the TS forums suggests they have forgotten about it) But this is the time I use to develop an actual test worthy character.

    Its no wonder almost NONE of the people that played/tested on TS when i first started are still there.. and most new characters abandon their toons before lvl 30, Guess maybe they should close it to the public again, since they dont listen to our feedback anyway, and have absolutely zero consideration for those of us that actually wanted to help.

    Thanks, Doc.
  2. The TS is there primarily for the game development/QA team to check for any serious issues before new material/features is launched on the live servers. General user access is never guaranteed and there are times when the TS is closed to all bar members of the GD/QA team. This may be either for reasons of practicality or in order to keep new content as a surprise for users. It is not because they "don't care".
  3. Laurie53

    Laurie53 Someday Author

    Well, yes, kinda what I was hoping. That they are actually working on something new and exciting. I was hoping to do some grinding for my cloak quest, so I was a bit disappointed not to get on over the weekend, but I did my grinding on Heredur instead so all was not lost. And maybe there will be something new and exciting to look forward to...?
    Doc - have another jar and relax, like they say, we're actually priviledged to be allowed on TS.
  4. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    I understand all that... wasnt born yesterday ya know?

    I will let each person of the forums decide if they believe that BP actually "cares" about them.

    As for me.... I have no such illusions.

    Thanks, Doc.
  5. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    if the test server is to check for serious issues before live server then again like said are they really looking at it since they have all these bugs lol... the test server is the same as live server it dont work....if they are working on something new like they did with the silent black knights quest then we all know its a fail before it starts :D
    only suprise the players get if something works lol....

    always a pleasure
  6. Callisto

    Callisto Forum Pro

    As you well know, there is a nice bright red warning on the front screen of the test server, it isn't meant to be online 24/7 nor do the team need it to be online 24/7 it is not a LIVE server.

    I'm sorry you feel you're missing out on grinding on test server, but it isn't a play server. It is and always will be a test server, and if and when players are needed for testing, there is always a post about it here, on the dev board.
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