Suggestion Unarmoured PvP

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ~Μαριος~123, Jun 24, 2018.

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  1. ~Μαριος~123

    ~Μαριος~123 Forum Apprentice

    Hello everyone!

    Are you tired of geting one-shot in PvP?
    Are you tired of not having fun in 1v1s?
    Are you tired of the current state of PvP in general?
    Of course you are, and so am I. .-.

    So i suggest,
    What if unarmoured PvP was finally a thing in DSO?
    It wouldnt only let you display your ''skill'', but it would be really fun too, like the old times where you would miss your skillshots all the time (mage and ranger) or run arround like an idiot (dragonknight). (Yes i dont mention SM here because facing a SM in 1v1s is the most frustrating thing in the universe but this is not the place to talk about this)
    I think that puting an option in the game to play PvP without the effect of any equiped items would be great and many people would be interested about it.
    Also, it doesn't have to be ''no item pvp''. Someone deep inside that company's offices could have the willingness and time to make some items that you would just equip automatically when you enter PvP, something like a short bow and a quiver or a shield with adjustments to the stats of armor and weapons so that let's say dragonknights wouldnt just run arroun and try desperatey to touch us taking enourmous amounts of damage.
    I think you get the (very) generall idea and i think you can understand me.

    Thanks for your time, have a nice day!

    PS. I think I've read a post like this but im way too lazy to look for it, so an admin could just delete my post and somehow send me a link of a same post as this.

    PS.2. To all you frustrated-from-fighting-SMs out there, yeah using dark magic ''good'' dwarfs can be defeated.:confused:;)
    Chandler333 likes this.
  2. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    No just no, i don't wanna farm a new "set" or something else, those who dedicate themselves to farm better equipment/gems and everything else should 1shot the person who doesn't dedicate the same amount of time/effort.
    I don't wanna play with someone on equal footing for a simple reason.

    I DON'T waste my Freakin time killing inf3 bosses to get better equipment just for fun.

    I farm better items so i can play my pvp knowing that i have some advantage, its already hard after the rebalance for me at pvp.

    Winning a 55 lvl Marshall means nothing to me PvP ranks are gained even if you lose.

    You are not even level 55, let alone a high end player.
  3. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron


    I don't get one shot in PvP.
    I am having lots of fun in 1v1.
    I love the current state of PvP
  4. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    2 pvp leagues woud fix the problem.
    League A: Test your pve stuff! = exactly the same pvp as it's today.
    League B: Test just your skill! = pve stuff not allowed.
    Chandler333 likes this.
  5. ~Μαριος~123

    ~Μαριος~123 Forum Apprentice

    No no, I didnt mean to offend anyone, I have been 55 level for a relatively big time.
    Also, I would also like to say that I one-shot players too in PvP (without wanting to imply that ''wow im good'') and, I personally, dont like that. In my opinion players should have more chances to withstand a hit than getting hit with an 20k dmg (at least) explosion arrow in the face and either surviving with a small precentage of their health or instantly dying. What im trying to say is that people in 1v1s (from what I experience) usually dont have the ability to show that ''You know what? I have more chances to land an explosion arrow or a fireball or whatever than you simply because i have played more PvP and as a result I am better than you'' And then you say okay one-shot the other player then. But how do you know that he isn't better than you? Because you stroke him first? What if he was just lagging or whatever..
    Now, i want to talk about the thing that makes me angry all the time.
    What do you mean high end player?? They guy who just plays all day, clears INF 3 in i dont know how much time, disrespects and thinks that other players are rubbish? Some time ago i was with a ''team'' and were about to port to q7 inf 2 or 3... That was when i still had a legendary bow instead of what i have now(I am getting a bit out of what the post is meant to be, but I have to say this), so when I got in the boss room the team leader just told me to leave because i was bad. The boss died in one or one and a half minute and i died a bit before the boss died...and you know what? I dropped that Fyrgon q1-q7 ring, and no one gave me a stone...This is the current community of this game, as someone said, you are not good, you dont deserve to farm. Now, i got way off the post's theme or idea or what it was meant to be so i stop here.

    iNeXoRaBlE , I have to say that I understand your opinion about the current PvP state and your opinion about my post in general, and I really hope that you understand my opinion as well. Also, please mind that whatever I say is not meant to offend anyone (except maybe for that kind of ''high end players'') and especialy you that has spent very much time in this forum helping new players (from what I've seen so far at least).

    Anyway, Akageshi explained excactly what i wanted to say just in 3 sentences :confused:

    Thank you very much for you time, Have a nice day!:)
  6. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    My personal opinion is based on my 1vs1 score, i really like the 1vs1, i lose and i win, i run and have a strategy in my mind, thats a high end player, winning a game with worse gear.
    My Guild is a guild helping new players, see my progress the last few months. the left screen is from December.

    Its not all that hard developing a good character. And as you can see i have a normal score.
    I never disrespect a new player i am no old myself either, but when people say to throw all my hard work on my items it makes me furious.
    Personally if i go to 1v1 i will definitely be insulted for running, i am not even mad though. People dont have strategy, for me 1vs1 fine.

    Edit: This is what i always see when i Run, i just dont want to pile up loses, just see what i see every time. I dont really mind but its funny when you use some strategy, even if it doesnt work.

    Last edited: Jun 29, 2018
    ~Μαριος~123 likes this.
  7. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there heroes,

    At the moment Drakensang Team is working on PvP balance. Soon we'll announce some improvements. Rest assured that this is one of the main topics that DEVs are working on. :)

  8. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    In this stream they talked about the upcoming pvp balancing. Basically what was planned was a complete detachment of pve and pvp. I don't know how exactly the devs are thinking about this right now, but I'm sure they will make a lot of people mad by making the pve equipment completely irrelevant. That's why I think the 2 leagues I mentioned before would be a win win solution.
  9. KubQn

    KubQn Forum Apprentice

    Gearless PvP would be the most fair and easiest way to make it balanced, but at the same time it would make a lot of people upset, because of:
    In DSO there are like 90% people who have think of the upper post.
    For me it could be like that, I just play DSO when I'm bored so I can brainlessly kill monsters and make my numbers go higher when I hit them, but I understand that most of the community want to be stronger to make use of it, to show it.
    To make it gearless they would need to make some kind of new event or idk just something where PPL can make use of their hard farmed stats. PvP tho is the best way to do that.
    Well we will see.
    ~Μαριος~123 likes this.
  10. Chandler333

    Chandler333 Active Author

    I would love to see something like that implement in the game ~Μαριος~123! Good idea! :)

    Something like that would also be an interesting idea Akageshi! :)

    Awesome Sunlight! :cool:
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2018
  11. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Nope that will not solve the problem.
    That is exactly what is causing the problem for the devs.
    They are trying to put all the players in one basket ... separating the players further, will widen the gap that the devs are incapable of fixing it.
  12. magicus

    magicus Forum Apprentice

    for me it is very easy:

    in pvp all chars take + 100 % healt and - 50 % dmg

    Problem solved
  13. emmaaxxx

    emmaaxxx Someday Author

    A totally unarmoured pvp will be a totally disaster for strong competitive players , ( players that most of the time bring some money too).
    A tottally armored pvp it is obvious that makes big unbalance and gap between new and old players.
    The solution is somewhere in the middle.

    My suggestion :
    1) U can put " pvp starting stats " for examble all players will have by default 200k hp and 40k dmg independently the whole other gear.
    2) Make half the Max critical rate and critical dmg on pvp, ( 40% and x2.5 )
    3) Make half the Max armor and all resist stats, ( 40% , 40% )

    A simple example could be :
    A bad gear player = 250k hp , 55k dmg VS A very good gear player = 300k hp , 60k dmg

    Something like this can make the gear effect less decisive on pvp battles between players , so some really good pvp players will have some chances to win some matches even if they have bad gear, reducing the pvp gap between players.

    Ofc a totally good gear must make some effect or no reason to get better , just this effect will be smaller.
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