Unbalanced Dwarf ( iron dwarf )

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Nymphora[KNZM], Mar 27, 2014.

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  1. Nymphora[KNZM]

    Nymphora[KNZM] Active Author


    Bigpoint workers and the GM,AM and MOD's...

    Bigpoint need feedback , bigpoint have not a player workers and bigpoint have more advanteges to new player...

    Look at the new class DWARF >> Iron Dwarf skill 45 Level
    We can't stop him in 5v5 PvP Arena , is that fair ... 15 second and we can't him kill , he catch the flag and run to other flag EDIT..!!! Who can him stop... ??

    Archer can't run with flag and adrenalin...
    Knight can't run with flag and dragon skill...
    Magician can't run with flag ( no skill to run ) :) :) :)

    Dwarf ( run baby run ) he is unstoppebel in 5v5 can't anybody see that....

    BUG's is fixed but the old player was again pomped...

    Good jop...
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 27, 2014
  2. hohiti

    hohiti Forum Apprentice

    Well you properly have to wait 1 year for BP to fix that.
    They are extremely bad at fixing skills fast.
    Properly because they are more focused on making money, then focusing on the players enjoyment. Get used to it.
    Nymphora[KNZM] likes this.
  3. Nymphora[KNZM]

    Nymphora[KNZM] Active Author

    Thast true, youre right....
  4. Leigh79

    Leigh79 Forum Greenhorn

    DWARF is only immune to negative effects i.e anything that slows down or stuns, logic would then determine what skills u can use to damage , yes he can still be killed while running, just not that easily.
  5. spiro_spula

    spiro_spula Forum Connoisseur

    Or just swat him before he gets to your flag and activates iron dwarf?
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