Unique Gear Thread for DK's.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Callisto, Nov 27, 2013.

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  1. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Your way of building a character is brilliant. I've adopted that strategy and it works perfectly.
  2. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Thank you. My Mage has already crafted all extraordinary gear with 2x golden lines and currently collecting melts to upgrade them all the way to 60.

    My other characters have newly reached 55 and are still trying to find green items with golden stats. I am almost there. In few days all of them should have greens and some blues upgraded to 60.

    Also, when I craft greens to blues, I make sure to open at least 2 slots in the first two green items (first one with the golden attribute line, second one with the golden stats) and then combine with green items with 3 or 4 slots which I have previously saved for crafting. This way, the blue item that gets crafted will have a minimum of 3 slots. Then after crafting I open the other 2 slots to make 5 slot blue items. Next time when I craft blues to purple, I can combine with any blue items with 0 or more slots, and the resulting purple item will have a minimum of 3 slots which again I adds the next 2 slots to make it 5 slots. I have up to now only crafted extraordinary items, but it would be the same process after as well.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
    gun and Rhysingstar like this.
  3. Apocal

    Apocal Forum Apprentice

    Hello everyone, my stats on lvl 55 for farm. :))

    Gevilson, cdeepal and gun like this.
  4. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    Not my main but I have took my time and was a twink for a bit in teen lvls. Here is my lvl38
    stats, I am using a old short bow because I 1 shot most monsters right now anyways

  5. Paavelsons

    Paavelsons Regular

    total noob. xD can you please post all item stats of your build. im stuck at 8k dam. will post my gear and stats soon. thank you.
  6. Apocal

    Apocal Forum Apprentice

    Little increased stats.





    Comment: I want change Chuchulain´s armor for Karabossa and the same with Bearach belt this is my next goal that I want reach but I need craft Legendary items (Long way with my luck) + I will change Arachna amulet for Meduse amulet (I have new Legend 72%) I will have the same Speed, Hp, little more armor value, the same criticals and crit. Dmg with more resistance and much more UP dmg, probably .
    -koMah!, gun and cdeepal like this.
  7. Paavelsons

    Paavelsons Regular

    gun and cdeepal like this.
  8. Nalros

    Nalros User

    Let's keep this thread about showcasing rangers and their builds. Please keep this one free of the ever abundant class debate.

    Cheers :)
  9. -D-EnD-

    -D-EnD- Forum Apprentice

  10. Apocal

    Apocal Forum Apprentice



    PvE Build (Here only improved deff stats for PvE.)


    PvP Build. (Still in process, it need much improving.)

    Last edited by moderator: Nov 7, 2017
    gun, kerad19711, EhtovK and 4 others like this.
  11. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

  12. Apocal

    Apocal Forum Apprentice

  13. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

    UPDATE (Longbow+Quiver build) : changes between July 19, 2017 and today December 16, 2017: still a bit weak but these things take time...

  14. deliburan78

    deliburan78 Advanced

    You can use Karabosa belt +armor +shoulders for best dmg.
  15. kotk434

    kotk434 Forum Greenhorn

    Guys which setting will be better?
    22k dmg max, 75% crit and 3,83 crit dmg
    18k dmg max, 80% crit and 4,67 crit dmg?
  16. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    In what difficulty? And what does the crit drop to in that difficulty if it is Infernal I or higher?
  17. kotk434

    kotk434 Forum Greenhorn

    Usually fatal/inf1/inf2 for solo leaderboards and sometimes inf3 for shopping.
    Crit rate: 16027 | 80%
    Inf1 - 66,75%
    inf2- 57,22
    inf3 - 50,08%
  18. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    You can also use the DPI calculator for such pure-offense comparisons. Should give you a pretty good look.
  19. kotk434

    kotk434 Forum Greenhorn

    I don't know what dmg will be I think that 17-19k. Because of this bow:
    What do u think?
    Is it even worth it?
  20. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    I think not. Generally, game maths favours increased damage on the item more than plain increased damage, and you should ge able to get enough crit. dmg. from other sources than waste a line on the weapon. If you're unsure between keeping your bow or crafting the second one into it, you are probably better off with what you have already.