Uniques droprate

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Hellamyjamgirl, Feb 21, 2014.

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  1. Hellamyjamgirl

    Hellamyjamgirl Junior Expert

    For the last 2 months I've constantly been killing Mortis for the hope of getting his unique mask. The only unique I've gotten from him is his Amulet, it drops all the time.

    Can anyone tell me what Mortis' droprate is? It's seems to be impossible to get it, it's like I'm wasting money and time. Some noobs get it on a few kills )I know some who got it on their first/second kill) why don't you make so that if you are alot online and kill the boss alot there is a higher chance of getting his unique mask? If the drop only depends on luck it's pretty much IMPOSSIBLE for some players to get, it's very unfair. I am a 2 year old player who's active everyday, and I've seen the development with this game for a long time.. They aren't improving the most important thing in this game, the unique droprate. I'm not saying you should make it easy to get the mask, but atleast make it possible. It's very unmotivating killing him since he was released and only getting his amulet repeadtly. I'm only telling it for your own sake, you are losing players.
    Agonyx likes this.
  2. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    Come on, really? Isnt the purpose of uniques to be unique? Meaning that not every player will be able to have it. Otherwise it s not really that unique, is it? So yeah, it might happen that some people kill mortis 30 times a day for 2 years and still not get his unique. But at the same time that person might get 1 or more items from keen's set (or equivalent) where others don't get them. And it has been said many times, dev team meant for players to have a variety in equipment. One way of achieving this is to not allow all players to get the mortis unique. Otherwise they should have made it that you can do a quest or quest series for mortis uniques (as well as for all other uniques) to kill x amount of monsters or to kill mortis 1000 times.
    deathacceptor likes this.
  3. Hellamyjamgirl

    Hellamyjamgirl Junior Expert

    If you killed bosses for 2 years like me you wouldn't be saying that at all.

    It's nearly impossible for players like me who has no luck AT ALL tp get unique items from bosses these days. I mean, what are the odds? Just look at EDIT, he's killed Mortis atleast 3500 times. 3500 TIMES. While others can get it by killing him a few times.

    And they don't have to make a quest to kill Mortis x times. They could make so that if you play alot (are alot online and in group activity etc) kill Mortis alot, and maybe how much you play, you have higher chance of getting the drop.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2014
    MortriXus likes this.
  4. galadriale

    galadriale Junior Expert

    I agree with the part that the unique drop rate is too low in this game and should be increased especially those dropped by boss. For me, getting unique item is the most encouraging and important part of playing this game. The unique drop rate should be reviewed again after patch R103.

    But it's funny to know that you got many times the amulet from mortis and saying that the unique drop rate is low. You are referring specifically to the death mask/ helmet from mortis. This just contradict what you are saying and make your statement a false claim. Others will concentrate on the fact that you are indeed very lucky in getting the amulet many times.

    Another thing is that you seem a bit disrespectful by saying that "some noob got it in a few kill". And I think it is no use mentioning particular players as examples. any player could have killed many times.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 17, 2014
  5. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    P2P logic ftw.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I know... entitled much? As if things like free IDing, free travel, free respawn, free emotes, etc., weren't enough.:p
    -Faeriequeen22-, MortriXus and Zokin like this.
  7. sojaa

    sojaa Forum Apprentice

    If you pay and don't drop, that's your problem ;) Money won't change drop rate, maybe time should. 2011-2012 players should have higher drop rate than 2013 players by example, but money will never change something about it.
    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ likes this.
  8. spiro_spula

    spiro_spula Forum Connoisseur

    "But, but, money always solved all my problems, and I want this one solved with money too."

    -Faeriequeen22- likes this.
  9. -Faeriequeen22-

    -Faeriequeen22- Forum Mogul

    Oh, another one of those people... :cool:
  10. Hellamyjamgirl

    Hellamyjamgirl Junior Expert

    Well I kill mortis every single day in the hope of getting his mask or enigma, or just starlight so I know there is hope.. I just feel like I'm not rewarded for my work, I'm not trying to sound ungrateful cause I'm not at all. But if there was just another way you could get the mask through hard work it would be better, instead the drop be depending fully on how lucky you are. As an example I am one of those players who farm like hell for years and don't get a unique (starlight,enigma,mortis mask, destructor uniques..)


    The amulet is not a very good amulet, and besides what would it help by dropping alot of times? All I see from it are a few glyffs. And it has much higher droprate than Mortis mask and khalys uniques obviously, so if you farm Mortis like hell as I so it's completely normal that it drops often.


    And come on be honest with yourselves, this game is 90% P2P. I'm not saying it's hopeless to be F+ cause that's not true at all, I know some player swho are F2P and are great players, but they achieved through alot of hard work and hours of farming. There are even some events that are unfinishable unless you pay, and all these event sales that makes people pay more and more, it just keeps getting more pay2win system.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 18, 2014
  11. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    I think this is worth pointing out. If some players are supposed to have a higher chance on getting uniques, it should depend on how long they have played.
    Though i think it should be calculated in actual playing hours and not in years of being registered.
    Agonyx and Hellamyjamgirl like this.
  12. Hellamyjamgirl

    Hellamyjamgirl Junior Expert

    That's exactly what I mean, then some players without lu´ck could actually have a possible chance to drop the mask, because there are many players I know who play day and night and they never got the mask.

    Yesterday as you know there was the bug where Mortis etc was much easier, as I know 6 players got Mortis mask and alot of others got khalys uniques (weapon and shield) yesterday I used all my 125 coins on killing him and all I got was 2 amulets and Roshan's circle...
  13. -Faeriequeen22-

    -Faeriequeen22- Forum Mogul

    I was killing him all day for.. 1 amulet. I understand your frustration and I do agree something should be done about that, effort should be rewarded. However, you just can't come here and tell you deserve better drop rate because you pay. :p
    Maybe they should implement some crazy quests, like kill Mortis 5k times for mask or something like that, then we'd know there is a reason to keep on killing him, even though some players got that mask giving not as nearly effort as such..
  14. Hellamyjamgirl

    Hellamyjamgirl Junior Expert

    Ehmm first of all I was meant to write "play" and not pay.
    Ehhm first of all I was supposed to write "play" and not pay. It was a spelling mistake, my bad. Of course it would be lame to have higher droprate because you pay.

    The droprate of this game has always been a mystery, but I've had a theory for all of this time I've played. The faster you kill a boss, the higher chance you have for getting better drops. Of course this is just a theory, but it's what I've noticed through the years, anyone else feel this way?
  15. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    We have automatic allocation map system not sure what it is but i'm wondering how it works when it comes to unique items ... or if this is even related to drop rate really don't know
    I also noticed days when unique weapon drop rate is much higher ,recently after update
    I think that strongest member of group get the most of drop ,time counts as well
    Just now i can see that dso decided to gear up those with low pvp rank and small dmg it is my own opinion not official fact i could be wrong but those days players
    with low ranks have better chance to get unique weapon and mortis mask
    if this is true i'll never get it :cool:
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2014
  16. -Faeriequeen22-

    -Faeriequeen22- Forum Mogul

    There are million theories about drop, I think they're all a bit silly. For example, "if you go kill Mortis with 4 people who have mask, you will get it".. Yeah right. :cool:
    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ and multitoonz like this.
  17. -LordVital-

    -LordVital- Forum Greenhorn

    Wits similar scheme humans invented relegion...when you cant something explain..you give mystic meaning to that... so... uniqes have allways same drop except when Bigpoints programers accidentally change code of drop rate...( example =just like mortis "bug" and pw "bugs" before few days...they accidentally change code because they probaly testing different variations of pw...in this case easy mode... my opinion) ,,,so
    over 1500 khallys kills and over 450 mortis kills and no enigma
  18. redpsy

    redpsy Forum Expert

    i think the unik drop is the wrost ever!!! for me especially. cus i looking for keen glove about 14 months now or 15 i forget...

    they must fix this so player will be happh to complete the set.

    or BUY it from gnob for drakens plz :)
    Jolakos07 likes this.
  19. -Faeriequeen22-

    -Faeriequeen22- Forum Mogul

    says a boy with mortis mask :p give me your mask, I'll give you 2 times gloves!!! :D
    redpsy likes this.
  20. Iamboredwtf

    Iamboredwtf Active Author

    I got unique dimensional rift staff drop last night quite happy
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