Untouchables set bug

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by ItzStam, Apr 25, 2019.

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  1. ItzStam

    ItzStam Someday Author

    Im not sure if its a bug, or a change in the game, but i got the strike of the untouchables gloves (tier 7) from q4 in inf4, but i cant wear it. It has this gray texture that items have when they're higher than your current level (but im 55 and obviously i should be able to wear it)

    here is a screenshot as well


  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You have serious connection issues (800+ latency)... you will be able to use it once the game read and save all the files.
  3. ItzStam

    ItzStam Someday Author

    I do have lag, but it's not that bad it's 80-200ms, definitely not 800..
    Also 2 days have passed and nothing changed. I don't care that much about it since I'm getting the q7 gloves soon, but a bug is a bug and it should be fixed
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Your first screenshot seems to disagree with your assessment. :p

    Haven't seen that before. I'm surprised that we aren't hearing more about this if it is actually happening often. It might be related to a really old bug where SMs would occasionally get SW unique drops. Paging a mod who can talk to support... any chance I'm right?

    Please learn to post screenshots. Having to pull out the URL manually is almost more trouble than it is worth.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019