Upgrade for low lvl Legendary items nerfed ???!?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -LordVital-, Feb 20, 2014.

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  1. -LordVital-

    -LordVital- Forum Greenhorn

    I noticed many plp complain about low stats on upgraded low lvl legends....
    is it true they are nerfed..???
    I have example here look pic friend today get arrows


    and how they look on lvl 45 :/


    Tell us... is it nerfed or not ?

    According my calculations this arrows should have 25 25 20 25 dmg... am i right?
  2. Torefas

    Torefas Padavan

    No, it's not changed at all. But you need level 6 or below (lvl 4 if necklace) for best value. Even lvl 7 items have big difference.

    I have lvl 6 ring with 9 crit and it gives 240 at lvl 45. While in my lvl 7 ring with 24 crit give 150 crit at lvl 45.
  3. Geobli

    Geobli Advanced

    Lvl2 Belt, Lvl4 Amulet, Lvl6 Ring, but weapon andorment's lower level is 8.
    The items that give "max" amount of stats cost 5,5 million to upgrade at 45, items that cost 3,2 million have differences between stats, like your arrow. 7+ level items have 2 or 3 damage enchantment at one stat, when 6- level items are always 1 damage per stat, so it is always 24 when you upgrade it to 45.

    Hope this helps you understand how the low level items work. :)
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Nothing is nerfed ... you have to be lucky to get weapon focus with 4 damage.
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