Varholm Maps

Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by MicioMacho, Jul 8, 2023.

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newmoon event

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  1. MicioMacho

    MicioMacho Forum Greenhorn

    hello everyone, i have completed all the missions of the new moon event, the ones during the event and the one with the event inactive but Rubina does not show me the mission to enter the blood moon map and defeat the blood mage and Jon Sunlair does not show me gives the possibility to create essences of the shimmering silver, what am I missing? no one in varholm or kingshill has a quest to give me and i have no open quests in the list. Thanks to whoever wants to help me.
  2. StayinFrosty

    StayinFrosty Junior Expert

    Did you finish the questline obtained from the chest in Varholm?[​IMG]
  3. Ringo

    Ringo Forum Apprentice

    hello I have exactly the same problem no quest to go to the second map and no more quest on valrhom
  4. bilybob

    bilybob Junior Expert