Suggestion We Need a StateOfGame Recap from team

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by NicuuChu, Feb 27, 2023.

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  1. NicuuChu

    NicuuChu Someday Author

    we really need more communication, you should do like other games, maybe copy riot for example.

    What are your plans going foward?
    What do you think of the current state of the game?
    Drabis777 and imperiummm like this.
  2. Drabis777

    Drabis777 Forum Apprentice

    If I'm right they just did that right? Search the forums for that topic. It's mandatory that something this important should be announced the first month of every new year. Without new surveys the game devs cannot (not exactly) pinpoint for the new plans for the game.