[Werian] Abysswatchers Guild

Discussion in 'Guild Introductions' started by Kaгahanlı, Nov 19, 2022.

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  1. Kaгahanlı

    Kaгahanlı Forum Greenhorn

    Guild name: Abysswatchers
    Server: Werian
    Main Guild Language: English
    Guild Language: English, Slovenian, Turkish, Czech, Russian
    Guild Master: SayınKarahanlı
    Guild Officers: Zubatá, StrongExecution, Echoman, Emperorpalpatine, Zemf1ra, Pala
    Slots: 40/50

    • Respect
    • Level 100
    • English knowledge
    • You must have completed all the main quests and unlocked the all parallel world maps
    • Legendary tier Rune of Realm Charger (for Realm Fragments 10+)
    • Minimum 1 year experience of DSO

    Guild Rules:

    • Abysswatchers is an international guild. To be able to communicate with each other, English language is obligatory. You can chat in your own languages on our guild's discord server's turkish, slovak, russian and german channels.
    • Disrespectful and toxic behavior is prohibited.
    • When playing as a group in the game, change the name of the group to Abysswatchers.
    • The terms of recruitment to the guild are flexible, any player who has reached level 100 can join the guild. You can write to the officers and the guild leader for the players you want to invite to the guild.
    • If you have a friend in your guild who speaks your language, please use private message instead of guild chat. Guild members must invite guild members to groups they create without discrimination. Anyone can create groups with people outside of the guild, but we prefer to include guild members in groups as a priority.

    We offer:
    • Daily Farm with the guild
    • PvP events when there are enough players
    • Quartz Cavern farms when there are enough players with 10+ rune
    • Parallel World farms (merciless-bloodshed)
    • Dragon bones farm
    • Ammon uniques farm
    • Bloodchest farm
    • If a member is below level 100 XP farm
    • Completing events
    • Guild's Discord Server

    About guild: Hello, this is Abysswatchers guild. For players joining the guild; There will be many more activities such as infernal passages farm, ammon uniqs farm, dragon bones farm, realm fragments farm and completing events. It is mandatory to speak English in the guild chat and on the discord server. If you have a friend in your guild who speaks your language, please use private message instead of guild chat. Guild members must invite guild members to groups they create without discrimination. Anyone can create groups with people outside of the guild, but we prefer to include guild members in groups as a priority. If you want to invite your friends to the guild, you can reach the guild leader and officers via private message. If you want to join the guild, you can write a private message to SayınKarahanlı or guild officers in-game. You can also contact with guild master via discord: Karahanlı#2377

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