What are the average level 25 SW stats?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TheGithyanki, Aug 25, 2014.

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  1. TheGithyanki

    TheGithyanki Forum Apprentice

    I'd like to know if I'm on par with other level 25 SW's out there without buying some of the equipment. I farm and craft all the time but I feel my one weakness is I have yet really to get involved in the events. I have been playing just about 2 months and have a level 37 SW as well but I really want to develop a really decent character of this one.

    Base damage: 139-145
    Block amount:191
    Crit hit rate:37
    Crit damage: 200%

    Yet to get any good items from Heredur, Khalys or Arachna even though I have done them 6-8 times each.

    No need to sugar coat it for me I have broad shoulders so please help this newbie.
    Thanks in advance.
  2. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Hi TheGithyanki,

    I have a SW lvl 8 with better stats except for HP, its a bit lower than that!!!

    Here is what you need and where to get it.

    All your left-side items should be magic(blue) low lvl and upgrade them to lvl 39.
    Amulet lvl 4,belt lvl 2, adornment lvl 8, rings lvl 6 with damage only.
    A good legendary wand, lvl doesn't matter much.
    Book improved(green) with damage lvl 6.

    For your right-side, the New Moon set is very good for SW below lvl 40.
    Gloves legendary lvl 5 with 4x HP or 2x HP + 2x armor.
    Boots legendary lvl 3 with travel speed only.

    Its not the best, but its easy to obtain and upgrade, + you will be very strong if you follow my advise...one more thing the low lvl items must have 1 damage not more or when you upgrade them you will get almost no damage in return.
    A low lvl magic item at lvl 39 will give you 2x 19 damage, so before you upgrade any item, simulate to see if that item will give you that damage, if not then craft or melt it.

    P.S. - Almost forgot, to find low lvl items go to Swerdsfield, its outside Kingshill.
    MegaNuker, Strider and goe-spec like this.
  3. TheGithyanki

    TheGithyanki Forum Apprentice

    Thanks a million for your suggestions. It seems I'm having trouble finding wands at this point but when your not looking you trip over them. I think the drop rate has dropped but I bet the powers that be would say otherwise.
  4. Nyshen

    Nyshen Someday Author

    When you say good ledgendary wand what do you mean? 2xcrit damage%, 1xdamage, 1xspeed? 2xdamage, 1x crit damage%, 1xspeed? You know...get specific. Us new mages want to know.

    Also if one isn't playing the event what would you suggest other than the New Moon set for the right side?
  5. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Well...I didn't say anything, because i'm a F2P and i have to get a wand that allows me to use the full potential of my farmed gems, while a P2P can do the opposite.

    Anyway, I have a lvl 9 wand with 3x increased weapon damage + 1x speed.
    Speed is essential for SW, so to build a reasonable good SW, he must have a min of 1.50% speed attack + fame lvl 30 to obtain an increase of 33% faster shooting(its not 33% speed attack and that is what i chose, you may chose differently according to your needs, many do so).

    For some reason SW don't get high enchantments values and that is why i opt with New Moon or Dragan sets....anyway, if for some reason you can't or don't like those sets, your best option would be 3x HP + 1x armor if you use an orb, if you use a book 2x HP + 2x armor or 1 HP + 3x armor.
    goe-spec likes this.
  6. Nyshen

    Nyshen Someday Author

    Thank you.

    As for those other sets I can't right now. I don't want to lvl up any further at the moment, and I refuse to team up with higher lvls in order to get them. If and or when I get them I'll earn it myself. ;)
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  7. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Hi Nyshen,

    Only because someone joins a group with higher players doesn't necessarily mean they did everything and you did nothing to obtain those items.

    I have a low lvl, he was lvl 3...now he is lvl 8 because DSO forced me and the rest of the world...so, since my New Moon set was at lvl 2, I did the event to get the set lvl 8.

    Now, I invited players lvl 14 to 17 to my group, many refused because they said its too hard and me being lvl 8 it would be impossible to play.
    I said to all of them, that they didn't need to do anything and still nothing.

    After a few hours of begging, 1 DK + 1 SW lvl 15 joined my group and guess what, it was me + 2 friends of mine that did almost all the killing, including Karabossa.

    So you see, I deserve that set and so shall you, as long you help your teammates to achieve their goal.

    Its not like the others, low lvl 6 to 25 going with lvl 45 to obtain them.
    Hope you change your mind and go for it, build yourself a strong character.
    goe-spec likes this.
  8. Nyshen

    Nyshen Someday Author

    Hello Bearer-of-Death,

    Well that's kinda what I meant. Refusing to go there with high levels like 40+. I'll go with a group more to my lvl, or a bit higher, but that would still level me up, which right now not ready to do. Even though I think I'll be forced to as well. I don't like to farm in the wilderness. Gets in the way of others game play, and I know how it is trying to kill 40 of this or searching for 25 of that and someone of higher lvl is going around farming and clearing the area. Just sucks. Prefer to farm dungeons where my game isn't interfering with someone elses.

    Bad timing on my part. I started this character thinking I would have the one wilderness and one dungeon we used to have at the beginning of the game. Pretty much the day I made the character was the day we lost those areas.

    Anyway, back on topic...sort of.

    You said the rings should have no more than +1 damage so when you upgrade it you'll get good damage in return. But you also said all the left side items, which rings are, should be magic level (blue). And you said that there should be damage only on the rings. But blue rings have two enchantments on them, so you can't get damage only without going 1 and 1. Did you mean the rings should also just be green? Also you didn't mention what the enchantments on the other left side items should be. Does that matter?

    You do realize that if you don't just break it down item by item, I'm just going to keep bugging you....right?
  9. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Hi Nyshen,

    lol on the bugging:p!!! no problemo!!!

    Everybody say "A picture is worth a thousand word", so here you go...

    What i meant was, to build an average SW fast get magic(blue) low lvl items with both enchantments of damage, all my left-sided items have damage only, except for the purple ring, it has 1x critical hit value + 2x damage(i wasn't going to throw that way).

    Only when i reach 40+, will i start to work on the right-side to get more armor and health, until then my toon is just fine for PvE, I kill everything before they can even lay a hand on me:D!!! without blue ess, with it mobs don't even appear on the map:D:D:D

    My dream is to have 4 low lvl legendary with 4x damage and one item with 4x critical hit value, so i can use an orb or until the day i get 110 million GoP for my staff, to release total devastation:) my staff alone will give me 1000 damage, with the gems that i have now + KT lvl 30 + full Dragan set:cool:

    Armageddon is close:D:p:D
    If you have any more question or doubts...let me know, always happy to help others!!!

    P.S. - About improved(green) items, yes if you find one use it, until you find a magic(blue) one or higher, but above magic(blue) you will need enormous amounts of GoP to upgrade them, so when you do find one, keep it in your locker, until you have the necessary GoP to upgrade it.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2014
    silverseas, Strider and goe-spec like this.
  10. TheGithyanki

    TheGithyanki Forum Apprentice

    Damn that must have taken you awhile to farm all that and make your SW what it is there. I have a level 36 that has over just 300 damage and this makes me want to scrap him and go back to the drawing board. I'm learning slow but I am learning after being at this only a few months so i think another creation is in order. I think the other part of my issue is my guild and friends aren't always on to help with events and such so I generally try to go it alone without a whole lot of success.

    Can you even escape the NWO without being level 8 now?

    Thank you again for sharing this info as not many if any would be be willing to divulge a "road map" to a build.
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  11. Nyshen

    Nyshen Someday Author

    Bearer is one of the good guys....and sweet too ;)

    And I'm not sure about what lvl you can get out of NWO. Maybe lvl 6 or 7 I'm thinking. But you can't get the daily chest and what not unless you're 8, that I'm pretty sure of.
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  12. lara00b

    lara00b Forum Greenhorn

    a bit low :) you havegood dmg medium critic ..you die one hit with red arrow so vs good players you have a 0%chance :p example you say ok he dont hit me i have good move and if i wait sudent death ? ;)
  13. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Hi lara00b,

    That is true, but i don't play much PvP with this SW...still sometimes i do some casual battles and you would be surprised what i can do inside the arena.

    I'm a ardent centurion and i have won more battles than i have lost, I have killed more than i have died...anyway for the time being, this set is for PvE and not PvP, when i chose to return to PvP it won't be with this type of set.

    Hi TheGithyanki,

    Its a bit easy to obtain the magic(blue) items with damage, I got mine in a week...but getting them with 4x slots thats a different story, only my Adornment came with 4 slots, rings 1 slot, belt + amulet came with 2.

    Farming for GoP is easy too, but very time consuming, with your damage...you will have no trouble farming Teganswall Fortress or lower, don't farm in group or places where you gain xp, its simply not worth it.

    Unfortunately, its no longer possible to have a toon below lvl 8, well you can...but for what, only to farm for items to use or melt, besides the best places for a low lvl to farm have been removed.
    So, if you want to receive the daily bonus(chest+gem) + daily quests + to participate in events you must be a lvl 8.

    If no one shared their experience/knowledge/wisdom whats the point of playing a MMO, if everybody were strong, no one would complain about how unfair PvP is or how difficult it is to kill Mortis + company.

    Hi Nyshen,

    If you start a new toon, he will enter Grimford at lvl 5, if you die a few times, while doing the new beginning...he might enter a lvl 6, any higher than that is only possible by dying on purpose.
    goe-spec likes this.
  14. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    That's some pretty nice damage. =) I am curious, about how much GoP does it take to get those blue items up to 39?
  15. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Hi silverseas,

    Any magic low lvl item for the left-side needs 229.296 to reach lvl 39.
    silverseas likes this.
  16. TheGithyanki

    TheGithyanki Forum Apprentice

    Is the Staff of the end of time worth the effort for what seems like a never ending quest? Are there not better wands found in events? Same for the ring of life? They really ought to allow more rings to be worn.
  17. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Weapons at the end of time will rarely be used for very long. As you noted, it is pretty easy to find a better weapon - either a good legendary or a decent event weapon, or whatever. The end of time weapons just aren't very good. This is the case with (almost) all of Ammons gear, though.

    The ring of death can easily be replaced by a lucky identification of a good legendary ring. However, unlike that ring, the ring of life provides a pretty significant regeneration (mine is around 30 hp/sec at level 48). That regeneration works, also, in PvP (where your natural regeneration doesn't work). 30 hp/sec (37.5 if you include the onyx skull gem in my helmet) may not sound like much, but trust me it makes a big difference in many situations.
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  18. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Hi TheGithyanki,

    Its pretty much as Multi-Sev said, the "End of time" weapons are outdated for any class... for SW class it has...

    20% faster attack speed
    10% to 20% increased weapon damage
    4% to 5% increased damage to monsters

    My 1st good legendary wand lvl 3 had this (i already melted this one)
    3x speed attack = 24% total
    1x increased weapon damage of 29.9%
    4x slots

    My 2nd legendary wand lvl 9 has this (its the one i use now)
    3x increased weapon damage = 69.4%
    1x speed attack 8.1%
    4x slots

    As you can see my 1st one is by far better than the one that Ammon gives you and you don't need to do PW, plus the drops for that quest are weak...you will probably spend months looking for them.

    But, if you have nothing better to do, go for it...its up to you!!!
    I always prefer legendary items over unique ones, but thats just me...most end gamers prefer unique items.
  19. TheGithyanki

    TheGithyanki Forum Apprentice

    Thank you both for confirmation on this but my luck when crafting has been < stellar. I'll continue to craft for a decent wand and if I get some free time between levels I may work that quest. At the moment I'm using a crummy KH Researcher Wand that I bought after being frustrated with my lack of progress in crafting one.
  20. rjrichards

    rjrichards Forum Pro

    Had a question regarding the LH side items. Are all these items out there with 2 x damage? I have found a necklace and crystal that at level 39 will give me +38 damage each but no belt or rings. Are they out there and rare or are they just 1 x damage + 1 x crit/crit %/armor?

    Thanks in advance
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