What bow is this?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by meurerplay, Jun 23, 2018.

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  1. Moot

    Moot Active Author

    Just because it's made of different materials, the concept is the same, and it's still a bow so it's comparable.. It's actually rather easy to do so: a friend of mine has one of these fancy compound bows, and I'd chose it every time over my 62# Hungarian bow (for a battle) because it's just as powerful, but shorter, and easier to aim since while you have to aim before you draw a traditional bow, with one of these devils the pulleys? (idk man english is not my native language) take on most of the weight when it's drawn. However firearms are not bows. They are called firearms and not "shiny bang bang bows" for a reason.
  2. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

    actually it's very useful since he is describing big design flaws..
    Shansurri likes this.
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