Suggestion What direction is the game heading?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by MorgothV4, Nov 22, 2023.

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  1. MorgothV4

    MorgothV4 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, are the game developers planning anything for the game? I'm not talking about new updates for players with max levels. Rather, it's about some new server where it won't be 100% P2W anymore. [EDIT]
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 23, 2023
    tozagol likes this.
  2. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    I haven't played for a long time because I wouldn't have anything to do, but I read the forum and this is one of the most curious questions I've seen in a while.

    The answer is: they are planning nothing, because there is not a single good reason why they should ever open a new less P2W server. Also you can't split the P2W complain from the fate that awaits the end-game players, because they depend on each other.

    Maybe you didn't notice but you are already living a period of very low P2W demand in the existing servers: from the Blaze of Maze mini-expansion they started to give all the runes that the less developed characters needed, then with the Anniversary event they gave for nothing all that bunch of dust required to max the gems.

    The "top" will arrive with the upcoming Ready for Action and Gift of Fealty events: apparently two real grabs for the ass for those who have invested a lot of time or money in the game.

    However, those who have been here for a long time well know how things work: it's just what always happens every time they see most of people stop to spend money. Sooner or later, those who have played a lot and worked hard to excel will, as always, end up being among the masses, who will quickly reach their level thanks to the grace they receive from the High.

    At that point the developers will introduce some new features for the end-players (who at that point will be the majority) for example higher tiers of gems and runes which will require billions of dust and/or some "new" ingredient just to be maxed out again. And P2W will start again, wilder than ever.

    It just remains to be seen if, in addition to increasing gems and runes size (which I personally am convinced they will do) they will also engage in something more interesting and substantial: according to the carrot and stick theory.

    Enjoy and have fun anyway.