What's going on with PvP

Discussion in 'PvP (Player vs. Player)' started by Melkor, Sep 23, 2021.

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  1. Melkor

    Melkor Forum Greenhorn


    I would like to notify all of You, who doesn't know it, or even ask for asnwer of any Admins.
    Since 1st of Semptember if You Notice, is available play only 5v5 Deadmatch, except duels of course, other 5v5 like Capture the Flag and Fight for Fortress is not available, does Anyone know any reason why it's like that?

    Thanks for all asnwers

  2. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    hi, if are waiting for answers, wait seated on a comfortable place... or you'll finis with a nice pile
  3. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    [other language quote removed]

    Hi @moretti82 right now my characters are right now lvl 69 72 and 76 and i'm gonna leave them the way they are since nothing change to make me agog to play it again and before it happens i think this game is gonna collapse by itself...

    Thanks anyway for your offer
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 29, 2021