When are you going to raise character levels ?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by hayri021, Nov 18, 2023.

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  1. hayri021

    hayri021 Forum Greenhorn

    When are you going to raise character levels ?
  2. StayinFrosty

    StayinFrosty Junior Expert

    Hopefully they wont touch the level limit until the game is in a playable state
    tozagol likes this.
  3. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Playing again after you've maxed out no longer offers any challenge and, personally, not even any fun. I don't remember logging in, nor do I miss it since I know I'd have nothing to do but hang around.

    Devs could just add a few higher tiers of gems/runes, and at the same time raise up the setting of the mobs but doing so would be demonstrating their unwillingness to develop the game further: in short, a very bad sign.

    Anyway they have to give something new soon, there are already many maxed people around and I think I'm not the only one who no longer has any incentive to show up online.
  4. Veteran666

    Veteran666 Active Author

    Until today the level cap on test server is still level 100.DSO needs better balance,not a new level cap.
    tozagol likes this.
  5. -dravin-

    -dravin- Junior Expert

    Exactly..to many current problems persistent in game atm to really be wanting a lvl raise..I myself have a maxed character I been playing for 12 years.. I wouldn't mind a new class.. but would rather they fix the problems foremost before.. I don't even play much anymore these days only when event is on.. once I complete it.. I just log in to keep my daily streak going.. I play to many other games to worry much about DSO anymore..
  6. StayinFrosty

    StayinFrosty Junior Expert

    Indeed, there isn't much reason for going online nowadays. Any attempt that is made to hype events up is instantly shut down by ridiculous progress bars, underwhelming rewards, server issues, or a mix of the aforementioned. I would say the feeling of not wanting to play anymore begins already when you are midgame and only have gems/jewels left, which counts for majority of your improvement at that stage. We are all aware of the state of the lvl100 early game so some would most likely argue that it begins even earlier if you aren't fortunate enough to have people willing to help out once in a while.
    -JustForFun- and tozagol like this.