Suggestion Which Crystal Would You Choose?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by .aquaventions., May 20, 2015.

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  1. .aquaventions.

    .aquaventions. Forum Apprentice

  2. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    i would pick the one with 83 damage because the high values and 4 slots. for your stats i would go with the damage too
  3. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    #3,4,7. The more damage might work for now, but I would recommend keeping a couple of crystals. I own 7-8 crystals with different combinations of dmg, crit, crit dmg. Crystals are good as always come with offensive attributes. That's why you would use them to balance your offence. Rings, belts and amulets with only offensive stats are harder to find, so you will use what u have found. Suitable crystal would be a perfect finish.

    Same about using sets. While on karabossa, you would want pure dmg as you get plenty of crit. On the essence set, however, or dragan, the other crystal might sound more reasonable.

    So keep a couple, use one for now, and you will surely find better crystals soon. As you build your character and gain more experience, you will certainly know what you need and for what purpose.

    Also do the calculations of your DPS for the setups you use, and the look what if you had 24 more dmg, or 200 more crit, or 10% more of the crit dmg. that will show what you actually lack.
  4. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    The two crystals I would test are the 83 damage one and the 2x crit and 2x crit damage. The 315 crit is pretty high and the 4x damage one would take to 50.
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