Why bigpoint, just why?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by a6a6a6, Jan 5, 2014.

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  1. a6a6a6

    a6a6a6 Forum Greenhorn

    The title has it all. This happened to me multiple times, nearly-exact scenarios.

    That's right, it's my sob story, but I' just wondering why the creators of drakensang don't use that petite acorn brain of theirs.

    Tell me, how is this a fair match?

    I decided not to explain in words, but instead, to provide visual aid in case bigpoint needed some help.

  2. a6a6a6

    a6a6a6 Forum Greenhorn

    I was the first person to load and join - plus, I did not see any other people on my team join and leave. I used to love playing drakensang but now I am starting to see the laziness of the developers.
  3. milek85

    milek85 Someday Author

    dont worry . this happens to me all the time beside fighting players 20level higher in fame tree.

    everybody says just keep doing pvp and you will get better, but better my ass. i need 20 fights for 1k of honor and it started to get very very annoying.
  4. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    And now tell us you won that match XD
  5. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    This happens when the call for battle was announced and the other 2 did not sign up. :) tough luck
  6. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Like Guitarman said this is the player's fault. There had to be six players in queue for the match to start. You just happened to get stuck on the team where two players did not join.

    Sadly this is done on purpose by some guilds. One or more guild members want to PvP but there are not enough players in queue. They will ask other guild members to register, even if they are not going to join, just to get a match going. The system thinks it has two teams to begin a match.

    There are many things that are wrong with PvP in this game. It is easy to blame it all on the game. But a lot of what is wrong is caused by the players taking advantage of every little gimmick and loophole in the game design they can find.

    Luck be with ye,
    KingOfTrolls66 likes this.
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