Why do Rangers have the best of everything?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by extinckDK, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Was that first part an intentional nod to ScientiaPotestasEst's forum nickname xD ?

    Regarding the other part... so, basically "Veni, vidi, vici." xD. Your friend may owe Julius Caesar some copyrights xD.

    As for the mod edit... now I understand why you felt the need to add that parenthesis. Funny how simply offering a synonym makes the word politically correct xD.

    P.S.: I do like this (xD) smiley face, yes ;).
    While it's probably a bug, I would not be so swift in saying that it "will be fixed in the future" when speaking of DSO errors. Are you aware of the quantity of complaints people have regarding stuff like this :D ? And how people say that BP mostly fixes minor or unnecessary things, as opposed to the important stuff (like the bug about humongous prices for upgrading items with % lines - though that is a known issue, but who knows when it will be fixed). Simply saying "soon" gives no actual information, but only the hope that it might happen one day. I can say "soon" and mean in the next 5 minutes, or I can say "soon" and mean in a few weeks, and so on... you got the point.

    As for trakilaki's reply... you can't really blame him, as the sentences he quoted do look like dev talk.
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