Why does every member of group have to defend an n.p.c ?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Mathusa, Mar 6, 2014.

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  1. Mathusa

    Mathusa Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, I was with a group today doing the event Attack of Kingshill for the first time and then I realised that each member of the Party must defend an N.P.C, why ?

    Seeing that we all had the entry there and where all defending why must each member have to access individually to receive Quest reward or is that a bug ?

    That IMO is not a fair exchange for a party member. You loose your pass in if the others just teleport out instead of helping you and yeh that happened to me.

    its not funny seeing how you have to gather trophy's to get the pass into the Besieged Kingshill.

    signed pissed off and not happy.
  2. ArcaneMaster

    ArcaneMaster Active Author

    mathusa let each member take the quest but not start defending.
    once all group memebers have taken, any of the group member can accept to start defending that way all group members get to finish the quest at once.
  3. Mathusa

    Mathusa Forum Greenhorn

    Thx arcanemaster, i believe we all took the quest but i wasn't able to collect the insignia from it.

    anyway thx for the feedback
  4. Geobli

    Geobli Advanced

    What @ArcaneMaster told you it was the problem, the quest has no issues, group members just messed up timing. You forget to take the quest before they start defending or they just didn't wait you to take the quest, simple as that.
  5. SillySword

    SillySword Regular

    IMO, defending job should be given only after the quest is taken by ALL group members. If anyone does not take the quest, it should not start (or get the prompt to start).
  6. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    Noticed many glitches in the defend quest anyway. The first day, the group I was in, even though we made sure we all had taken the quest from NPC, a few times it wouldn't show as done on one of the group members anyway.
    Event was buggy going into live servers and I think the dev team needs to rethink testing, maybe actually "hiring" some of the player base in exchange for reward to do the events from start to finish ensuring that events come into live servers fully functioning as intended.
  7. Deefje

    Deefje Advanced

    I absolutely LOATHE this event.

    I got the quest from the dude, but the rest had already started.... selfish public groups ftw.

    Then after everybody ninjaed out of there when they where finished, I tried again on my own with some essence. But even after restarting the quest 3 times and defending all the wave succesfully, it didn't update.

    Then since it was my first run, I didn't have another entry scroll... yaaaay.

    So I tried the kobold quests... well that was a succes, half an hour later I had 2 metal and not a SINGLE trophy. Great drop rates.

    Good job designing an event that is utterly great at wasting people's time and frustrating them.

    I was already losing motivation in this game due the many bugs and imbalances, but there's a fun dutch community (my guild especially) so I stayed, but this is just pushing me away again. Time for a bit of a break.
  8. ShortVolkEarlyDread

    ShortVolkEarlyDread Forum Apprentice

    Let's not forget that the 'Staff' quest for 25x metal in Stalgard usually doesn't drop anything.
    Trading in trophies for Scroll and receiving nothing. Talk about wasting time.
    (premium & $$ cancelled)
  9. Deefje

    Deefje Advanced

    So I cleared the cache, burned 600 andermant for another entry scroll.

    Went with guildies so everything was a 100% accurate. I got the quest (the question mark), the event got started.

    And stuck at 2/5 again after succesfully defending gregory.

    Entered a support ticket, curious as to what I will get as a reply.
  10. Markoman

    Markoman Someday Author

    The first quest was an Introduction Quest so you had to accept and start the quest at each of the NPC on the map. However after you finish the first round of event upon entering the event map next time, you will find a repeatable quest For Kingshill given by Captain Gregory Windbold that doesn't require from you to accept quest from every NPC just to get it in motion. So those are 2 different quests, upon finishing the quest you will get your reward after talking to The Prophet event merchant. If you were in a group where you finished the introduction quest but your party member didn't that would explain why it was needed to be done twice.
  11. Deefje

    Deefje Advanced

    @Markoman thanks for that explanation.

    Too bad I was already so fed up with the event that I just skipped it entirely.

    Perhaps next time.

    Also if that was explained anywhere, I sure as hell missed it. And really,... I looked.
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