Why ranger are hated by other class, this is the answer

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by skillarea1, Mar 16, 2014.

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  1. skillarea1

    skillarea1 Active Author

    why SW, DK and SM are hate RA

    2 reason for me :

    ((1)). Because of this skill


    why? this make ranger op

    because ranger is balance class, between attack and deff
    so this make ranger OP

    precision shot : 125 x double damage (mark) + 20% steady aim=300 x 25% = 375%
    This skill is make other class say " i am die with 2x hit by ranger"

    this skill can make 3 x hit with full 100 concentration ( no negatif damage like LS)

    Q : are u kidding me? hows about mage they have lightning strike ?
    A : SW specialist is damage, and it is not realiable skill, more SW are use fireball than LS, and LS can 2x hit with 100 mana

    LS = much damage first 250% ( second hits 325%) but hard to for
    moving player and have minor damage just 40% from base
    QS from SM = much damage 95 x3 but hard to hit and have delay

    PS = much damage 375% but must mark first

    Mage and SM, its ok have strong skill but they low deff (lowest HP and lowest Armor)
    but RA have strong skill and and medium deff

    if Mage have deff experience skill like attack experience skill' ranger 25%, example mage have 25% increase armor or 25% increase HP

    bird of pray :
    because this experience skill BoP is powerfull

    BoP = 250% x 25% (mark of the falcon) = 312.5% x 25% ( more damge skill) = 390.6 %
    This skill is make other class say " i am die with 1x hit by ranger"

    and for more balance pvp it can change to other experience skill :
    1. Hyper active ( for left skill )= increase 10 concentration or 15 concentration
    Tough (for right skill) = increase 10% HP and 5% resistance
    2. Fast attack ( for left skill) = increase 5% attack speed
    Quickie ( for right skill ) = increase 5% Travel speed

    ((2)). design equipment from drakensang

    its make unbalance , i take 1 example


    this un balance equipment make other class hate

    like this helmet can make a DK have 65% block rate and 50% critical value
    DK specialist is deff, with this example gear make DK specialist deff and attack
    its supposed to be SM & SW ( 320 armor + 35% crit value) RA ( 370 Armor + 25% crit value) and DK (480 armor + 15% crit value)
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2014
  2. galadriale

    galadriale Junior Expert

    I don't think this is correct to include (25% more damage for short bows) in the skill execution for comparison with other class. That 25% should be added into part of the base damage.

    The possible increase in damage for a marked precision shot with experience talent selected should be: [125% + (125% x 20%)] x 2 = 300%, and with PvP talent selected should be (125% + (125% x 30%)] x 2 = 325%
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2014
  3. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Yes, how about if you play a DK? You have 40% dmg bonus if you play 2h which makes it very deadly. Equipment has nothing wrong. How about rangers and SWs complaining sargons for DKs make them unkillable in exhaustion mode? Classes are good in their own way. Lots of people just don't have the skill or happens to fight payers. Please SW fireballs are deadly as hell and DKs are hard to kill in end game.
  4. skillarea1

    skillarea1 Active Author

    Thanks for correction galadriale :) i am forget about 20% steady aim

    OK gala this is my calculation

    my calculation :
    100 base damage
    100 base damage x 300% (250 mark + 20% skill ) + 25% = 375% of precision shot

    100 base damage and from skill + 25% = 125 base damage
    125 base x 300% (250 mark + 20% skill) = 375% of precision shot

    its just same galadriale :)

    for Nightwalker :
    for 40% damage DK its OK, because s/he must catch enemy , so s/he must has a ton damage before inflicts damage

    no, i still think the equipments is wrong, like event unique gears.
    if it's not wrong, i would like to be the noobest pvp of the year, just standing in the middle pvp 3v3 arena with character that has deff like DK, fast like ranger and much damage like mage againts DK , best pvp of the year with bad gear
    just like on F1 race, skill is not enough if your car is suck

    about DK, i like if skill regen DK ( dragon hide and furious battle cry )same as skill pvp lv 40 (supranatural regeneration ), because its healing system depend on how much the base damage not from max HP

    now DK base from max HP + shield
    medium damage + high HP =>( will to survive) medium damage + high HP + high regen

    DK base from max base damage like pvp lv 40 + shield
    medium damage + High HP => (will to survive) medium damage + High HP + medium regen

    DK with 2H
    high damage + medum HP => ( will to survive) high regen+ high damage+ medium HP
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  5. yzm5508512

    yzm5508512 Someday Author

    some SW players have difficulty to hit opponent with 2 meter radius fireball, i would like to ask them try hunting arrow.
  6. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Wrong. They already have all the extra defense and hp AND regen skills to make up for that. Then how about SWs? Fireball just one attack can deal much more than a precision shot without marking. Therefore, rangers need to hit twice while SWs only need to hit once making it easy to run away. Btw, you DK calculation is assuming that the DK's shield has hp. What if there are none? Only hp difference would come from a bit from extra defensive gems. I should make one saying "Why SWs are hated" and "Why DKs are hated" thread. Did you not see others complaining about other classes too? Always haters.
  7. skillarea1

    skillarea1 Active Author

    for night walker :
    nope, its ok about skill DK, , or decrease a little bit about regen skill just from dragon hide, its cool down 60 sec
    DK is specialist deff, but some unique item, is make DK specialist attack too
    so that make DK OP, so DK problem is from equipment.

    Fire ball = 110 % + 25% more damage + burn 99%
    = 137.5% + 99%= 236.5

    Precision Shot = from above the power is 375%

    hmm more big PS
    Q : are u kidding me? fire ball is elemental damage is hard to get resist than armor

    PS at PVP time mode :
    PS : 375 % + 15%+ 10% ( from PVP skill) - 55% (avrage mage have armor, depend use ball or book)

    375% -( 15%+10% - 55%) = 375%- 30% =262.5 %

    mark is not only from hutting arrow, so its not hard to mark
    RA is combination attack so if just mark using hunting arrow, will not become great ranger

    FB at PVP time mode :
    FB : 236.5% + 15% + 10% (from PVP skill) - 30% ( avarge ranger have resist, who do not lazy to farming, if lazy maybe below than 30%, if more farming + money it can be 50%)
    NB : avrage user = 30%(29.42% ) resist from 5x polish diamond at 4 equipment= 800 resist

    FB : 236.5% + (15%+ 10% -30% )
    236.5% +5%= 248.3

    i think, its more damage from fire ball
    for a balance class is not balance between deff and attack
    maybe every mage not complain if there experience skill give 25% armor or 25% more HP or anything like make SW to medium deff
    SW can inflict damage directly because SW is specialist is damage but low defend
    then RA is balance damage and deff , they specialist balance and speed ( speed attack and agility)

    if RA have high damage so make RA to lowest deff and make mage to medium deff

    it calculate roughly for DK
    if u build a shield DK and 2H DK, its must different stat of deff will u build
    thats why i say DK 2H have medium HP, but its still much more than RA

    if u ask me as a SWer, i dont hate ranger, i dont hate DK , and good SW and SM
    i more dont like running fire mage who's spam fire ball from long distance

    if u want i am make "hate thread" , i will make " why other class hate running fire mage"
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2014
  8. yzm5508512

    yzm5508512 Someday Author

    Ranger need to mark opponent,that's why ranger have medium defend and medium hp, ranger is not pure range class like mage,he needs to go near the opponent(at least near enough to figure out whether opponent is marked by hunting arrow/net,let alone the melee combat skill dance/bird)
    Getting close to opponent means taking hit,thing gets even worse if he don't have good control skill,that the reason imo.
    Also,3 fire ball is almost the same as 2 precision shot.However the chance of hitting by fireball is much more higher(large blast radius,countless mana,excellent control skill)
    Of course SM is medium range class if u use pistol, but he has insane armor increasing skill,i think that;s the reason SM gets the same defend as mage
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2014
  9. Mrcroww

    Mrcroww Forum Master

    Aaaand you're wrong. You forgot the critical strike probability with the burning effect of the fireball calculation. Wich is deadly on end-game. I have 8.4K life and 1100 elemental resistance. And some SW of my rank can kill me with 3 fireball. Stop complaining about wich class is the most OP. I play all the classes, and trust me, on end-game Ranger is hard to play in pvp. Marking enemies can deal good damages, but you must deserve it by being precise.
  10. skillarea1

    skillarea1 Active Author

    For Mrcroww :

    Aaaand your're wrong too. You forgot the critical strike probability with PS ?
    with end gear BoP can kill just 1 hit :) and PS need 2 hit
    and you say fire ball can kill 3 hit

    i am not complaining the OP character
    RA is balance character between damage and deff
    but from skill we all know, RA more damage than SW
    so if RA want to be the most damage from skill, make SW to second place become medium deff

    SW= high damge + low deff
    RA= Medium damage + medium deff
    DK = Low damage + High deff

    But from reality is
    SW= Medium damage + low deff ( base from skill)
    RA= High damage + medium deff (base from skill)
    DK= High damage + High deff ( because gear unique)

    if RA want to be more damage from SW so make SW to Medium deff and RA to low deff, its become

    RA = High damage + low deff
    SW= Medium damage + Medium deff
    DK = Low damage + High Deff (re design unique gear)

    Because u play other class doesnt mean u understand other class
    just because your are study architect , electrical and mechanical in same university, its make u feel know anything about that
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2014
  11. skillarea1

    skillarea1 Active Author

    to yzm5508512 :
    yes, you are right
    so ranger must have medium damage too, not high damage
    like my explain to Mrcroww

    i am lightning strike SW not fire SW, so i am more hard to hit moving object and take much mana than PS

    and SM not have insane increase armor skill, but good

    someday ranger almost invincible to stun, we just have time 2 sec to stun ranger, if u know what i mean
  12. yzm5508512

    yzm5508512 Someday Author

    i think ACTUAL dmg is the way of defining high dmg and medium dmg.By saying ACTUAL dmg i mean the difficulty of execute a sucessful shoot rather than the % shown on the skill.fireball is the easiest one in this game no doubt.
    Lighten mage is very powerful if u get insane speed, however fire ball requires basic spd but relative high dmg, thats why fire mage is better in arena.why bother using lighten strike if u know a better way to pvp? Same thing as two-handed DK/longbow ranger should not complain having trouble in pvp cuz they have better alternative.
    2 sec is enough to cast3-4 fireball as well as 1 huntin arrow and 2 precision shot, all deadly.Victory between mage and ranger depends on moving skill, not stun,at all.mage in fact complain about the spd of killing not the medium dmg(fireball dmg doesn't even count medium,it is insane,like precision shot but with high accuracy),this is the more of problem of playstyle imho.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2014
  13. skillarea1

    skillarea1 Active Author

    For ymz5508512 :
    actual damage is defining about damage, not difficult to execute
    yes i know the easiest is fireball
    that just about characteristic of skill
    fire ball just prediction when enemy will run
    QS have much delay and range depend on weapon, beacuse this skill SM have negatif side, easy to hit in right timing area
    PS same like FB but need 2 times (mark and hit)
    LS predict enemy will stand, and have negatif damage just 100% base damage on the minor area
    if that based from dificult to exe, i would rather choose mage who need mark 4 time to enemy, than can land a huge damage, 4000% base damage

    yes i know fire ball is big damage, thats way mage use that because mage have low deff, i am not discus about how to use skill
    i like lighting because easy to fight with DK dan RA, and fire ball is easy to fight RA than DK
    but my point is why ranger have more damage power than mage, in medium deff

    if read my first tread
    i am suggestion change skill 25% more damage to deff skill type like extra speed or more concentration or more resistance and HP

    "Lighten mage is very powerful if u get insane speed", every skill if u got speed is easy to land, about PS if speed 2.50 is easy to mark and hit, but thats sacrifice damage its self, and u are wrong lightning mage become power full because speed, but become easy to hit, yes

    i am not ask how to play ranger, Mage, DK, SM or how to build wisely
    if u joint competition like motoGP, they have standard like 500cc, are u feel fair if your rival have 550cc?

    because ranger have medium deff, thats why ranger have medium damage
    but the reality , because of 25% more damage, ranger become high damage
    PS is high than fire ball and almost same with LS and the mage just have low deff
  14. yzm5508512

    yzm5508512 Someday Author

    The dmg is a compensation of the rangers ineffective control skill and absence of ARMOR break.What if ranger have medium dmg/deffend?
    pvp: never be able to kill Dk; Not deadly to mage ,mage can always activate cyanite shield and destroy everything.Battling with mage is like life,u cant have a second chance.;)
    pve: who will want ranger? (not even popular now) The lack of armor break skill has already left ranger out of the pve team work, the worse is medium dmg means cant clear mob quick enough to find orb therefore bad at tanking(the only thing that a ranger is proud of,range and a little tanky), 7000hp DK can beat 10000hp ranger in tanking easily.
    What do u think
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2014
  15. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Basically, you wrote a lot of repeated things with data that is actually quite inaccurate. You can always help support the group saying "rangers are OP" if thats what you want :\ I am too lazy to retype ALL the reasons why they are not and how other classes are OP. I personally think classes are pretty balanced so I always shoot down any thread that says a class is way too OP.
  16. Mrcroww

    Mrcroww Forum Master

    ^What he said.
  17. spiro_spula

    spiro_spula Forum Connoisseur

    Most people starting OP threads are very new to the game, they don't even understand the basic mechanics. They don't understand the power of hand-picked legendaries, gems, PvP tactics, buffs, essences, anything really. Some run into a polished character in arena and instantly (and inaccurately) conclude that the entire class is OP.
    However, arena encounters with such characters leave deep scars (on the ego) and bring about the need to express oneself, but if one has insufficient knowledge about the game the only post he/she can make is basically an OP rant.
  18. skillarea1

    skillarea1 Active Author

    (For yzm5508512) :

    "The dmg is a compensation of the rangers ineffective control skill and absence of ARMOR break"
    >>i would like compensation armor break every second like ranger
    not mage and SM every 30 second, if because of that point

    "pvp: never be able to kill Dk; Not deadly to mage ,mage can always activate cyanite shield and destroy everything.Battling with mage is like life,u cant have a second chance.;) "
    >> for kill other class is just from tactic, so its out of topic

    "pve: who will want ranger? (not even popular now) The lack of armor break skill has already left ranger out of the pve team work, the worse is medium dmg means cant clear mob quick enough to find orb therefore bad at tanking(the only thing that a ranger is proud of,range and a little tanky), 7000hp DK can beat 10000hp ranger in tanking easily. "
    >> much person like ranger, every class have negatif and positif, so negatif ranger is MOB
    so its out of topic

    (for nightwalker ):

    "Basically, you wrote a lot of repeated things with data that is actually quite inaccurate. "
    >>it doesnt mean your accurate data is accurate?
    doenst mean every game designer of drakensang have "accurate" data?

    i am not say character is OP, i say Ranger not balance, like DK gear is not balance

    " I personally think classes are pretty balanced "
    just in your mind

    "I am too lazy to retype ALL the reasons "
    me too, i am to lazy to retype aswer in the same meaning question"

    (for spiro spula ):
    i know what you mean, but out of topic

    For all thanks for coments
  19. xXSivxs2Xx

    xXSivxs2Xx Forum Greenhorn

    i am not say character is OP, i say Ranger not balance, like DK gear is not balance

    You clearly say ranger is OP at the start of your thread :)?

    But that all comes down to equipment. There is NO CLASS that is OP, it all comes down to the EQUIPMENT, SKILLS, Technique and how you plan your attacks, I don't understand why there are some players that do not understand that.

    Rangers might have the precision shot, and the bird. But so what? if i remember

    correctly Mage got Ice bolt, Chain lightning, Frost Nova, (the ice wind skill), Lightning bolt, Fireball, and Magic shot that can recover 5 mp each hit, laserbeam, etc etc.

    First of all as mentioned we have to mark the player.
    Do you know how hard it is to mark someone with good movement speed and fast attack speed? A ranger will be stuck in a spot, and if he wants to slow and mark his opponent he has to shot his Green arrow that drains concentration like crazy ( talking about rangers with fast attk speed).
    So sorry that we have a skill that 2x our damage so we can take out 0-100% of your hp, it all depends on the ranger and mage fighting. Most of the time a prec shoot, only takes 10-50% hp at BEST it can steal 100% if you crit yes. But every skill can deal huge amounts of damage with CRIT. We got good defenses but rangers best distance is Close range if he wants to save concentration. Then we have the death swing, and BoP. And by close range i dont mean totaly up close like War. I can tell you what i mean by "close range"

    Inside fight - War (stuck into the enemy all the time.)
    Close range - (a distance where you can easily hit with BoP if the enemy dosent decide to run away, or can slash with death swing and easily get away, then use Prec or Green arrows).
    Mid Range ( perfect distances for mages as they can spam Ice bolt, fireball, Lightning bolt(even if it is hard to hit) Laserbeam. If they want to fight in close range they can always just teleport in and use Frost Nova and then just run away, if the target isn't dead by then).
    Of course a ranger can fight at mid range too, but if the enemy has high movement speed and high attack speed, i prefer to fight at close range.
    Long range This I consider fighting using the map. Both mage and ranger can do this.

    Mage can just spam ice bolts, and chain lightning. Without using any MP, mage can even use his normal attk, without using MP. That can do about 140% damage if you use the fame tree perk at lvl 10. (correct me if im wrong on this). That is close to the damage of a fireball (without the extra damage perk on the fireball skill). You also get to spawn a element at lvl 23. While ranger has to wait to lvl 35.
    That elemental adds a HUGE advantage at lvl 20-29 pvp. As you can expend your terriroty, and if im not mistaken again, the elemtal can slow you down if you get hit.
    Not to mention the teleport, INSTANT movement. the rangers jump dodge is slow and you can follow the rangers with your eyes no problem. But a mage can sometimes just vanish from your sight and appear behind you.
    Not to mention the 100mp refill perk. so Now you can spam 3 fireballs, teleport and spam 3 more :), and as i mentioned mage dosent use MP on most of the skills, why is this important. the perfect combo. 3 fireballs, teleport, Frost nova, 3 fireballs, ice wind, finish of with Ice bolt.

    A rangers only chance of beating someone is totaly keeping the target marked all the time and drain all his HP with precision shoot and green arrows.
    At the later lvls u can hope to suprise your target with BoP ( when you have the perk that it marks the enemy) and then launch a suprise prec shoot. But im gonna point out a other thing. Every skill thar ranger use has a CLEAR warning signal you can see it comming a mile away. Also Ranger does not have many skills that goes beyond 100% of your base damage.

    Anwyways im getting bored of pointing out things. My point is, that if we had a standstill battle (at mid range) and both parties would just exchange hits. Then dependply on the lvl of the ranger and mage and if they are using exactly the same type of EQ or not, this would determine who would win. But lets not forget that in PVP we move, and we THINK. Not only that but there are certain factors that must be "meet" before Ranger can show their strength. So you could call a ranger a kind of Commandos, they are great in only some certain situations where they can reach the factors that can unleash their strength.
    And i wouldnt say that the ranger is the only one that has to meet those current factors.In my option EVERY character is a type of "commandos" that is at its best in some situations only.

    Ranger dont have a various skill set, like Mage so most of the Ranger skills focuses on suppoirting and helping to land the PRec shoot. If you nerf the skill that makes rangers proud then rangers have nothing to do in the arena. Moslty becaues without the precision shoot or with a weak precision shoot a ranger is like a failed War, that can shoot arrows. Totaly helpless and used as a sandbag. it is because of BoP and Precision shoot that you are "cautious" when fighting against a ranger.
    Not to mention what kind of effect this would have in PvE

    I did not include anything about DK or SM as i have no experience playing those two classes :).

    PS: Im sure you find many spelling errors, etc in my post but i hope you can understand everything i wanted to say :). Of course im sure many people won't agree with what i just wrote and critiscm is appriciated even welcome. I have nothing againts other classes and i think the game is balanced. The reason i pointed out every strong asset that mage have is because every class that hates on ranger does the same :). I hope everyone has a nice day, and that the "Hate" on other classes one day dissapears.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2014
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