Why this can, and i can not.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by zboysss, Jul 11, 2017.

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  1. zboysss

    zboysss Forum Greenhorn

    Why this can, and i can not.
  2. AbradolfLincler

    AbradolfLincler Someday Author

    Adding Tier items to make a better one is LONG gone. If you want Tier 3 item, you must kill boss at level 3 and hope for the drop. Hope this helps.
  3. zboysss

    zboysss Forum Greenhorn

    I kill the boss at level 3 by myself. Not group. Is that so? thanks!
  4. Grasschewer

    Grasschewer Forum Apprentice

    I think he means get the item by drop at correct Tier lv chance......nasty after you have those yes.
    It matters not to get drop whether in group or not...just luck :)
    You need cores and a higher tier item(junk not Unique) I think to increase Tier but a crafter can explain that or search posts.
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