Wildherz Cavern bug (Nefertari Cultist)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Joodrak, Feb 15, 2014.

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  1. Joodrak

    Joodrak Forum Apprentice

    Player name: Joodwarf

    Class: Dwarf / Steam Mechanicus

    Level: 20

    Server: Heredur

    Map: Wildherz Cavern

    Version of the game: (release119_7) 2014-02-13 14:28

    Version of the browser: thin client

    Installed Java Version: 1.7.0_25

    Fullscreen or windowed: both

    Details concerning the error

    What did you expect, what did not work? During the quest 'Counter Espionage' I have to search the Nefertari Cultist for a letter, however when i click the Nefertari Cultist my character just constantly tries to run towards the npc

    Can you reproduce the error? Absolutely, i've tried reloading the game, leaving the Cavern and re-entering but every time i try, the same bug occurs

    What was the displayed error message? No error message was displayed

    Do you have snapshots of the error? I have made a short .gif animation of the bug just incase you couldn't understand the description above, which can be viewed by clicking here
  2. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    From what I remember that is a know error. It may not have been sorted out as yet. So my advice is for you to forget that quest for now and work on something else.
  3. Joodrak

    Joodrak Forum Apprentice

    Not 100% sure but i'm pretty sure that this quest worked fine on my Ranger :(

    I'll just have to come back to this one after a future update.. Thanks for the reply.
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Yes this is an known issue that should be fixed with next release.
  5. Joodrak

    Joodrak Forum Apprentice

    Had not realised that 'known issues' were posted in the release threads, I just looked for a thread regarding the quest and didn't find one.

    Thanks for the help guys thread can be closed
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