Windrunner bow

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Locket, Mar 14, 2014.

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  1. Locket

    Locket Forum Apprentice

    Best place to farm it??
  2. tagedieb

    tagedieb Advanced

    Got mine during leveling in western Slifmoor. In retrospect, it seems like a pretty good farming spot due to the high mob density and no need to zone. Other players could interfere though, so it might only be a good spot at night
    Locket likes this.
  3. SlimyFish

    SlimyFish Forum Greenhorn

    It drops from any mobs level 20-29 regardless of where they are located. I would suggest farming it from Loxley. Since the boss in there has a high drop rate on the Spider Silk Bow which can melt for almost 7400 glyphs. May as well make some while your farming the bow you want. Good luck. That's where I got mine.
    Locket likes this.
  4. Locket

    Locket Forum Apprentice

    I farm loxley all the time! Ill try slifmoor today :) My ranger is level it worth it to look for windrunner so late in the game or should I just wait until Im level 40 to upgrade?
  5. kittyfox

    kittyfox Forum Pro

    It depends. If you want to play arena right now with 37 and can't get that end of the world bow with 20% speed then it is worth considering to get the windrunners and up it a little with spider silk bows.
    I am lvl23 and always farm with friends lvl29+ so I get no XP points, the bow is lvl25 but I want to get it now, then I can forget farming for a while.
    The second reason to farm it from Arachna is that she also drops that Valetia Mythic Quiver that is also very good, many 40+ chars still use it...

    I would also appreciate some location tipps especially when farming in a group.
    Locket if you farm Loxley we could join forces... I can kill everything there alone in 2-4 shots, Arachna takes 20 sec :)
    Locket likes this.
  6. Locket

    Locket Forum Apprentice

    Whats your chars name?? I just got that quest for the end of the world bow...but is that from a parallel world?? idk how to get there. But yea...i'll gap for you ez :) anytime
    kittyfox likes this.
  7. yoople

    yoople Forum Apprentice

    I Already Have it in dragon Cave Maybe U Need to check There :)
    draken33319701970 likes this.
  8. kittyfox

    kittyfox Forum Pro

    Crittera on server Heredur, if you are there PM me )

    If you don't know how to get into PW, then it is not for you yet.. You will do it in 40s.
  9. Locket

    Locket Forum Apprentice

    I play teagen server and i figured out how to get into ocean of bones, but its too hard for me.
  10. tagedieb

    tagedieb Advanced

    When glyphed to 45, Windrunner is comparable to the Bow of the end of time. You do need 1,8 million glyphs though. There is a ranger in my guild who achieved Flag Bearer rank with it
  11. Locket

    Locket Forum Apprentice

    Ah i see...well i dont want to use that many glpys on anything haha
  12. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    1.8M... My shoulders have 2.1M invested in them and my head piece has 1M so far. If something is worth it, then you do what it takes.

    Those shoulders have 300 Armor and 700 HP, so I guess "worth" is relative.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
  13. Locket

    Locket Forum Apprentice

    Oh i see!!
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