Suggestion Winter Event

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by GoddessofWar1000, May 2, 2021.

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  1. GoddessofWar1000

    GoddessofWar1000 Someday Author

    How about a new mount for quest in this event...must be 7 years old. Could Mrs Clause have her own costume. Some new pets would be nice too...keep collecting the same pieces to make the same pets...geeze. Also, please make the progression bar prizes a little different and something to strive toward...same old stuff there too.
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    I assume you've been on the test server and seen the winter event running there … I highly doubt the devs are working on that event, it's more or less simply randomly popped up in the test server event cycle. You're probably better off waiting until November (maybe October) to make this request so it's fresh in their minds when they're preparing it to go live in December
    ΣMiwel likes this.