Winter Festival Essence Farming Problem does not encourage X'mas theme of Giving, Sharing & Harmony

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Lighting, Dec 26, 2013.

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  1. Lighting

    Lighting Forum Apprentice

    Since Christmas is all about Giving & Sharing. The Winter Festival event should be made easier on the essence farming part.

    Instead of placing them on open world map and making players fight over the snowman(basically some player do not have any manners at all and will steal snowman from other player who has already spent some minutes waiting for the pathetic snowman to appear) which in the end dropped 2 essences, is not just worth it for cursing, hatred thereafter.

    Hence, the snowmans should be positioned in dungeons instead and all players within group should have essence drop for them.

    So there won't be any stealing, fighting over the snowman.
  2. jthames

    jthames Advanced

    Was just thinking about how this set up promotes greed and selfishness. Hatred is one of the most obscene words known to man and I would be hesitant to agree with you on that one but overall, your post is right on.
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