Wishing Star (Defeat the Undefeatable)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Luckie-luck, Mar 25, 2018.

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  1. Luckie-luck

    Luckie-luck Padavan


    Is it correct that I can only use the Wishing Star as a substitute for one specific part for the pets?
    On the workbench I can only use the Star as joker part for the eye's (Bearach & Arachna), horns (Medusa), the crown (Nefetari) and Heredur doll body, but not for the other parts.

    If yes, I think that the description of the item is not very logical, as it says: 'You can use it as a substitute for one missing ingredient to craft one of these pets.'


    EDIT: I see now that there is a specific thread for DTU event-related posts.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2018
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You can use the star as a substitute for any pet part except the Flames.
  3. Luckie-luck

    Luckie-luck Padavan

    After trying some different things, I found out that you need to drag the morningstar onto the missing part from the pet, instead of right clicking.

    ~~ Problem solved, can be closed.
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You can also add the other parts first and leave one open spot ... and then right click the star to fill in the spot.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  5. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @Luckie-luck ,

    As explained, yes, wishing star is only working for missing pet parts. In that case, you have to farm Flames of a Phoenix in order to craft Nefertari's pet.
    We'll forward your suggestion, though.
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