Bug Wolf Pack

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by zetho69jeropa, Mar 19, 2015.

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  1. zetho69jeropa

    zetho69jeropa Forum Greenhorn

    Hello everyone,i have a problem using this...when i call my wolf pack for help they dont move! till i shoot an enemy ,so sometimes they on my way and stop me i cant walk!! can u fix this? maybe i can get through them?? they my allies its ok dont u think?

    Hope some admin check this out :)
  2. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Is this a problem that just started for you? Normally wolfs appear on your right side and slightly forward and have a very minor pause before they attack the nearest target to them within range. If there is nothing to attack within range they stay parked. They expanded their "range" several updates ago and mine run to attack things that are just off my screen as the max distance. After killing everything in range they will return to you until timed out.
  3. zetho69jeropa

    zetho69jeropa Forum Greenhorn

    enemies are close,sometimes my wolfs dont attack ,this started to happend since i started using them,they block my way and i got killed because of that
  4. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Ya the blocking thing is a pain for everyone, good guys and bad. I'm not at a game machine atm so can't test to see if anything is different with R146, but mine were working as advertised last night. If someone doesn't get to the thread with an answer, I'll test it tonight and follow-up with you.
  5. zetho69jeropa

    zetho69jeropa Forum Greenhorn

    ooh great :) i play the download version,on my browser its lags a little....but its much pretty the graphics,the dowload version its a little pixel :p
  6. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Zeth, I ran last night on several maps, in groups and solo and didn't experience anything unusual. The dogs always have a minor delay when first summoned before they head to their first target, but that hasn't changed for me. I'm not sure what to suggest for you.
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