Wolves keep respawning in front of me when chasing archer

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by fourtwenty68, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    please don't take this the wrong way.just want to know if it suppose to be like this.
    but when i'm chasing an archer in pvp and i outrun the wolves they respawn in front of me when i catch up to the archer,and keep doing so until their time expires.
    now shouldn't they be attacking something else back there or still chase me from behind?
    this is like spawning wolves over n over again.just when i think i got the archer"BAM" same wolves again.
    my guardian doesn't respawn when I'm being chased and block my chaser.
    can this be fixed so they don't respawn like this?
    and has anyone else noticed this?
    it's more of pain than anything.
    serious comments only please! *coughs,almost forgot what forum i'm in.:D
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    The wolves/trees are keeping distance with the player. If I summon them and start running away from them they will respawn near me at some point.
    So you better change your tactics and kill the player before he runs too far from them. :D
  3. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    right,i wasn't sure if the trees did that too.
    is it because they are not stationary objects like *Sw guardian and Sm turrerts? that would make sense but still a pain lol.thx T :D
    if only the guardian could move a little it would have the same effect.
  4. Szmaciak

    Szmaciak Junior Expert

    AI of dogs is very bad and they are just stupid and doesn't help at pvp and pve like they should but this stupid AI, players learn use as tactics in pvp. I know that is not nice in mind of others class but it is a pity that others class don't ask about fix theirs bugs which help them and are quiet about them. Fourtwebty68 what about your guardian who exists and shoots after you died? Or your meteor and vortex and dmg after you died? Please don't ask about something don't you like and is hard for you at pvp when you do the same with yours skills.
  5. fab

    fab Advanced

    This guys doesnt know that, when a spellweaver dies the guardian just disappears in a flash.
    Dont say something you dont know and act like a smart alec, xd


    There's a much more disturbing thing about the wolves if you ask me: Their spawn location. Unlike the sw's guardian, wolves spawn randomly, which makes them for most of the times utterly useless. Why can't I just summon them where I want them to be, like a turret or a guardian.
    Furthermore they really need a bigger "minimum distance" to the player.
  7. DesertKoala

    DesertKoala Forum Pro

    Trees will also rubber-band to keep up with their Ranger. This is by design. If you are running as a Ranger with the Flag in 5v5, it can be a lot of fun to get your tree to tag along and annoy the snot out of people if you know what you are doing.
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