worked great till today

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by nicker111, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. nicker111

    nicker111 Forum Greenhorn

    game worked great till today, when I tried to log in and hit the play tab I was greeted with a screen that said I lacked the latest java plugin, so I tried to update java, it said it was updated.

    searched forums for solutions, was suggested that I uninstall re install java, I have since, and restarted the cpu only to be greeted by the same "you don't have the updated java plugin" prompt.

    any suggestions? so far this problem has only been on the laptop, I will check the desktop later.

    thanks, any help much appreciated
  2. DarthTyphoid

    DarthTyphoid Forum Apprentice

    download the Thin Client on the main page. then you don't have to have Java at all. I had the same issue with Java giving me fits, now I don't have to worry about it.
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