Suggestion world event boss

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by glesia, Apr 29, 2015.

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  1. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    This would have to be an endgame level arena. No free rewards for the twinks, make them level up if they want to participate. Something to do besides the boring mind numbing eternal PW grind when we hit lvl 50 and the game stagnates again in PvE.
  2. Trailboss1

    Trailboss1 Forum Mogul

    As I stated above, maybe make it where the loot is divided by the aggression of the attacker, not the damage dealt.
  3. glesia

    glesia Advanced

    thanks for the feedback guys. now for the Developers to take notice and make something out of this. the last time i posted world event boss i never put so much though or detail into this. im sure this will be something the producers will look at. im not sure about arena boss but deff world boss
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