World Soccer Championship Raffle [Contest]

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Allogeneous, Jun 5, 2014.

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  1. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Honestly, I don't even know. I like fantasy, I guess, it lets me believe I can do magic.
  2. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    I play for the challenge, which is its own reward. I don't need any prizes. Good luck to all.
  3. Evilsheldock

    Evilsheldock Forum Apprentice

    I Play for the Thrill, I Play to Kill. I Do PvP - it's you versus me !! Farming in PW, just for some CoT's, keeps me smiling. As rare as it sounds, sometimes the best things are Free :))
  4. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    Addictive, The Graphics Are Good , Being With Friends Here From Other Fantasy Games I Play.
  5. SingoArok

    SingoArok Forum Greenhorn

    This is the world in my world, and I really enjoyed it.
  6. 20277898

    20277898 Forum Greenhorn

    i love the concept of who kill the mob gets the items :D and all your items come from ur own blood and sweat no one can trade all items can be farm all u need is patience and enjoying the game :D
  7. derkil01

    derkil01 Forum Greenhorn

    i like Drakensang because of it's unique content and the graphical build ups, and it's getting much better also 'cause of it's PvPs .
  8. cpt_caleb

    cpt_caleb Forum Greenhorn

    I play this game and games like this in general because i love them, i know it sounds kinda corny and it probably is but i find them as an escape to a place where i can be who i want. If i want to be a powerful warrior i can be, or a dexterous archer i can be, That is why i play Drakensang!
  9. Cara25

    Cara25 Forum Greenhorn

    I've enjoy this game because when I'm in a bad mood.. my mood turn into good mood and my problems all forget for awhile when i play this game :)
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2014
  10. Alexandra79

    Alexandra79 Forum Apprentice

    I once stumbled upon it, saw the dawn of a great new quest, so I took my fragile wooden bow, a deep breath and with my mind filled with hope, I fought my way through it, defending innocents, vanishing evil from its lands, battle with great heroes and no injury or spawning slowed me down. Even now, after years of conquering new grounds, after improving my skills and weapons, I am still here because I know that heroes like me never die, they never quit and they will always find themselves a purpose to continue the Drakensang adventure.
    jthames likes this.
  11. SailorSaturn

    SailorSaturn Padavan

    I like Drakensang Online because logging in to do quick dailies is enough to squeeze in decent gameplay around my busy hospital work schedule and family commitments, plus I get to practice all the foreign languages I know when communicating with players from other countries.

    If that isn't a good enough of a reason, how about the fact the game is so simple that a young mom like me can easily teach two daughters (6 & 7 years old respectively) how to grind Catacombs/Crypt of Kings for easy farm loot without dying?
    jthames likes this.
  12. WBeboW

    WBeboW Forum Greenhorn

    this game "filled with action fantasy" is not just entertainment but also helps in promoting socialism and different cultures and languages, i learned alot as well as enjoyed the game blasting my way through monsters and players alike ;P
  13. idiotmarmaduk

    idiotmarmaduk Forum Greenhorn

    1. It's such a wonderful game, thanks for giving us DrakensangOnline!
    2. It's a free to play MMO, for this reason it has diverse community with 9 years old player to +70 years of age.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2014
  14. Shelli_lala

    Shelli_lala Forum Greenhorn

    I love to play , because it helps me relax and unwind after a long day.
  15. zvm62

    zvm62 Forum Greenhorn

    Drakensang is an enjoyable diversion. I'd like it even better if you'd fix more of the long-standing bugs.
  16. jobellcorda2009

    jobellcorda2009 Forum Greenhorn

    This is fantastic! and i really like to play drakensang online. meet new friends from different countries and i learned different languages. this is grate to all games, GRTATE GRAPHICS AND CONCEPT, ITS LIKE REAL! DSO.
  17. SmileyJ

    SmileyJ Someday Author

    I have no idea what to say......Hmm, I just love pooning noobs, really love pooning noobs. Noobs...:) what would Drakensang be without them?
  18. Mentago

    Mentago Forum Greenhorn

    In what real world situation can you meet someone from across the world and ask to go kill something with them? I love to kill other people with my new friends in this alternate reality from the messed up world outside :mad:.
  19. GabonDosun

    GabonDosun Forum Greenhorn

    I love to play DSO because the gameplay and graphics are pretty amazing. I have also made a ton of friends that i would have never got to meet that i know have my back and would help me through anything which is always nice to have!
  20. scorpiobabez

    scorpiobabez Forum Greenhorn

    Love the graphics of this game. Characters, monsters, the backgrounds are awesome. Love the friendly, helpful players here. Truly an outstanding game. And support help the best! :)
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