Gnob is retiring - FEEDBACK

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Allogeneous, Apr 1, 2015.

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  1. Greetings Heroes,

    Please post in this thread your comments regarding Gnob is Retiring

    Positive or negative constructive criticism and ideas for improvements are, as always, welcomed. Please keep discussions on topic and civil.

    Best regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team
  2. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    I'm not buying this one yet Allo. Too many questions and turmoil to drop that bomb without more information. BTW those are two of my fav hobbies too, just without the pig.
  3. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    How about his items? His brother gonna take over or something?
  4. LordDefiant

    LordDefiant Forum Apprentice

    april fools day, god i hope so
  5. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Videos don't work, for some reason... bet this is another prank, though, LOL.
  6. SillySword

    SillySword Regular

    Does that mean Piggy would sell items and Gnob pull cart in the future?
  7. lewcar

    lewcar Padavan

    So the final time he comes will be a clearance sale? 80% off?
  8. Disoriented_Neighbor

    Disoriented_Neighbor Forum Apprentice

    Gnob has had a rough life every time Dragan comes into town, and deserves a break. :cool:
    Maybe his evil twin will take this opening and offer some Shady Dark Armor.
  9. awaroa

    awaroa Advanced

    my first reaction was no way this cant be true i need 600 draken to complete the draganache set have bought 2 pieces allready at 8000 draken. Just need varholm and dragan event to get the remaining ring.
    What abouit some compo if its true like a clearing sale and what about now useless portals to Gnob of which i have 7 Can i return my ring and amulet for compo becuase what good is to have 2/3 of a set. Will the draken be used for something else if so what then.
    i was worried that i had been doing all these blackborg,varholm runs for nothing,
    my second thought was if this upsets me the idea that gnob is retiring then maybe i am to caught up in this game and need to take some distance from it and reflect on my gaming. Maybe play less , stop premium or stop playing completly
    my third thought was o this is like. look a truck with a giraffe on the back haha aprils fools day
  10. steelfox1973

    steelfox1973 Someday Author

    How about the date? what day he will gone?
  11. bloodyneo

    bloodyneo Forum Master

    hope dso developers
    retiring soon
  12. krishh21

    krishh21 Forum Apprentice

    It can't be the what is the use of collecting drakens. Only Gnob has the Dark Gear set and draganache set. If he is retiring how do v get those gears now? :(
  13. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    It's a joke. April 1st today.
    shaz9992 likes this.
  14. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    Made my day. =)
  15. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Me likey :D.
  16. Barbie

    Barbie Forum Apprentice

    :p Yeah !
  17. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

  18. marhun

    marhun Junior Expert

    If this is not a Aprils fools joke, i dont know what is. This makes events half as valuable and the gnob has been lacking a bit of firepower recently his items have been a bit lame, one could suggested he already had retired. On a serious note it would be a shame to see him go, what compensation will we get for our draken, will draken be a currency for any longer, will there be an additional NPC. If no then this is a sad situation, new gnob items where something everyone looked forward too.
  19. unarri

    unarri Forum Greenhorn

    I hope he has retired from wandering, and finally found a nice place to settle in Kingshill permanently.
    Cute videos!
  20. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Ok folks he has left me his gear and I will show up after every event. The first person on each server to purchase an item gets that item 1/2 off. If you buy 2 of any item get the 3rd at double the cost. Will have set discounts at 5% off. These packages will be in the hideout also.
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