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Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by CM Greg, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Since those were ignored this time, here you go again :) the question on reseting maps was mentioned by multiple users but didn't get any attention.

    Thank you for answers. I will wait on #2, but would like a clarification on #1, if possible, please. Perhaps I was unclear.

    'Added up and multiplied with the total amount of absolute damage'.

    It is the way it works today already. Not sure about tooltips but I do not really care about them. What I care about, and I hope I'm not alone as there was a long thread on the matter is that the 'damage bonus' was a part of the 'absolute damage' before r155. Now it is not, as now it is % based. That causes the major effectiveness loss.

    So question 1. Could you please clarify on this one. Are you saying you will revisit what is the part of the absolute damage before the essences are applied or you plan to leave everything as is today, and adjust the tooltips accordingly? Hopefully it is the first one, otherwise essences power will be extremely low like it is now. Thank you

    And question or request #2. Could you please revisit the decision of non-reseting boss maps, and M2 (Q6). It makes not a lot of sense, just forces players to spend additional time to run through the maps to enter the boss again. That creates no benefit to players and I believe no benefits to BP, as player satisfaction should be something of your interest. If there are any abuse-related reasons, I think they have nothing to do with Khalys, Mortis or even M2 (Q6). Why should we go back to city after each Khalys kill? It is a long way to get there. Not even saying the general mob farming setup is different from the Boss fight. And on M2, I believe if you want players to stop quick Knight runs, you better offer them something else, something better (like you do with the better drops in PW already) instead of just prohibiting what was there forever.

    Thank you for understanding and answers. Cheers.
    misterbean likes this.
  2. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Thanks for the list CM Haruki! :D Pet sale today too... what good coincidence. -disappears for a shopping spree- :3
  3. edtheman

    edtheman Forum Greenhorn

    hi all

    I got a question on how to resurrect a player
  4. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    How to about half way down.

    Lots of good info in the FaQ and Tutorial section.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  5. fab

    fab Advanced

    Rangers explosive should really need some serious review, this skill of theirs got total COOLDOWN and their markings should be taken away be now as now they already got armour break skill.
    Maybe you guys should play a mage ( lvl50) in pvp against those rangers and dks and in no time you should know how weak dso mages is !!
    Mages should be able to do great damage to compensate back for their low hp and armour, but dso is a totally different game.
  6. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Saw an alert that you had posted in the ask CM thread and before getting here knew it would be another diatribe "nerf (some other) class" post from you. You've been complaining about PVP as a mage and RA being overpowered since your fist post in Feb 2014. Every post you make says the same thing and has for 2 years. Will you PLEASE get on with yourself and move beyond this. Or maybe save some time for yourself and just give links to all your other repetitive rhetoric, or quote it without adding anything new. You're a broken record singing the same portion of the same song over... and over.... and over... and over....The only thing that changes in your posts is the Release number.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
  7. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    Dragonnns, misterbean and BigPapa like this.
  8. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    This tells how poorly you understand the combat mechanics, Armor break from the EA works only on marked targets.
    If you take away marking, you can't armor break anymore.
    Moreover, EA shot takes 53 concentration and the armor break lasts just 2 seconds in pvp. In fast paced end game PvP(lvl 50) what are the odds that a ranger will EA hit a player, break his armor and do another EA hit on him again within the 2 seconds it lasts?
    Will stop my argument here, since I don't want to start a off topic debate in this thread.
    If you want DSO to nerf rangers, you should make a bit more sensible suggestion with evidences for justification.

    Or you should do a study on the different skills on each class, understand how every class works and then try PvP. You might improve and stop complaining the same thing over and over again.
    misterbean likes this.
  9. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    The guy is top 10 on the server for PVP, 11mil+ honor points, but every other class is OP. Pffffff For a guy that thinks PVP is so unfair, he sure does well for himself.
    misterbean, Troneck86, VMmage and 4 others like this.
  10. DebugPlayer

    DebugPlayer Forum Apprentice

  11. Harakiri

    Harakiri Forum Greenhorn

    Hi there, i have a question about the "new class".
    I think i see last year a new class "Plague Doctor", i know it is a joke, but im just reading and reading, and i find a few words.
    I hope the new character not a mecha-robot, because the dwarf is enough outdated from this oriental action game :p
    So we NEED information about a "New Class" if it is will be.
    What is new class do?
    Please answer it . :p

    (Sorry for my bad english, im a Hungarian player, and main forum we haven't got "Ask the CM'-s thread.)
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend


    Alice has a new look :D

    misterbean likes this.
  13. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Not to argue, but just to add a little bit of a side view) being top 10 could also mean a person knows more about pvp than those debating his posts :))

    And being top ten doesn't mean you are stronger than someone from 100s. I beat (could/can) most first page chars on my server despite being only 200 something, or lower now.

    Not even saying he might have had all those points before r155. It is funny, true, but it is not that much of an argument :)
    misterbean likes this.
  14. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    well we would not know, there could be an owner change and the new owner could have earned just 1point and still sit on top 10 list :)
  15. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Owner changes are not permitted, so that would be even less a reason to care.
  16. pkkl000

    pkkl000 Forum Greenhorn

    what function - automatic hunting system.

    For example..

    Find a monster - Movement - hunt - looting - Find a monster - Movement - hunt - looting ?


    just Quest Helper ??


    not like this patch in Korea server

    We do not want the automatic hunting system

    Please think again.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2015
  17. tassadar1977

    tassadar1977 Forum Expert

    is the automatic hunting system, not just what a bot does? and they all got banned?
  18. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    Will it be possible to craft 4x Handaxe of the End of Time on R159?
  19. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Interesting concept; combat botting by embracing it and making it a game feature.
  20. fab

    fab Advanced

    Hello stop being like a smart alec answering haruki question since you are just another player like me, let me repeat you are just a NORMAL PLAYER like me.
    If you wanted rangers to be OP all the way in the arena, JUST SAY SO i cant stopped rangers being OP either
    The whole entire game is about getting gears and of course good skill ( buff skills ) for pvp, if the game is just pve then why are you in the pvp arena in the first place ?
    Ask yourself some serious question before asking players WHY WHY WHY they keeps complaining this mage class, of couser theres some unbalanced.
    Bring your mage to the arena , and im very very sure they die in just 2 shots by a ranger so they not OP mages is OP:D
    Dont give players such as ur mage havent got a good pc of leg or uniques, in fact their skills is a total CRAP !
    LAstly and honestly , the way i see you in pvp you got actually no skills in pvping except you got really high resistance
    And you surely know that by exchanging shot, ultimately the ranger will win as they got DOUBLE DAMAGE by marking.
    Prove it to me, by making ur mage to top ten in pvp and i will totallly mute myself in thr forum
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2015
    Master0fpuppets likes this.
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