Suggestion Recommended Methods for Crafting 2.0

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by _Baragain_, May 18, 2016.

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  1. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Does the destroy 2 feature/bug apply for all crafting levels, or just the crafting 4 legendary level?
  2. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    One reason is the lost items can be replaced with cash or anders for the P2P while for the F2P the lost items represent many, many hours of farming. There is the artifact merchant to buy blue items. Also, if you check the specials offers when you click buy anders you will notice that packages including legendary gear boxes have been offered recently.

    In addition even a modest P2P who only buys premium will get many more exos from mystic cubes. Even on the farming side a cash player will have more inventory space to store items than a F2P that has been playing the same amount of time.

    It's business as usual... revenue is the priority here. The concerns of the F2Ps about P2P becoming OP too quickly have only served to give the designers a good PR reason to nerf the system in order to entice more spending.

    Luck be with ye,
  3. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador


    Added insult to injury. We get to pay an extra 25% of the original crafting price to lose those items. :D

  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    So, I'm aware of the changes.:mad:
    I'll re-rewrite my guide and make a new thread. Once I've done this, I ask that the mods close this one so that all discussion will be related to the most recent set of changes.
    That is a perfect answer. Basically, you can overcome this change via the use of more gold, especially since they have made it less expensive. Since gold is easily obtained via the jesters, the new system heavily favors the P2W while only the hardcore F2W (free and farm) stand a chance. Idiots need to learn who is actually worth listening to.o_O
    Last edited: May 20, 2016
    trakilaki and -Skygazer- like this.
  5. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Any possibility that the change on the Test Server will be used to compare the first run with this second run? Maybe we'll be lucky and the first iteration will be the winner.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I'll be doing a new analysis and hopefully our mod team can use it to show the develops how stupid of a choice this is. It would be truly ironic if the gold cost was actually lower due to the reduced price, despite having to iterate the process more times. We shall see who is smarter, me... Or the developers. Anyone taking bets?
    -Skygazer- likes this.
  7. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    The prize for winning this bet would have to be awful small, after all it's an unfair fight. Maybe if they brought in an extra dev team from another gaming company to assist. Or maybe rig the system to only allow the heaviest of payers to vote. Or better yet, only allow dev members to vote.
    EhtovK and trakilaki like this.
  8. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    trakilaki and MikeyMetro like this.
  9. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Don't put your finger at me ... I never said anything about you. I have never put a finger on you.
    Because if i put a finger on somebody I would make that loud and clear.
    It looks like you don't get the whole picture.
    With this new system one average player even with 24/7 farming wouldn't be getting a single decent item in few years.
    While those P2W players would get them very fast.
    Let us see the difference :
    1. the initial system was fair for everyone ... everyone had a choice and chance to get decent gear in year or more
    2. This current Crap 2.0 is clearly P2W ... farmers would farm and get nothing in few years ... while Daywanker2-like players would get them in few months.

    What is not so clear?
    I was testing 8,5 straight hours ...
    Tested ... proven.
    MikeyMetro, EhtovK, mokranje and 2 others like this.
  10. Armando

    Armando Forum Connoisseur

    Sorry, I didn't mean to. If you got the impression, that was just because I replied to you and Faeriequeen in the same sentence. And well, as everone knows I'm German I do feel "addressed" when people "attack" Germans here.

    I crafted these gloves in about 2-3 attempts, from 4 extraordinary items.


    Even though YOU might find that rather pityful, they are better than anything any of my chars has ever seen in those 2.5 years I have been playing this game rather extensively!

    I can only laugh at all those frustrated players who say the purely random crafting 1.0 was better and should be kept. Not at all!
    If we take the time to actually farm for really good input lines (which I didn't on the test server), it is very possible to get something "decent" with reasonable effort.

    I do admit legi-to-legi-crafting became a lot less attractive, but this as well as (unlimited) reverting were never part of my original design anyway. All I ever wanted is the input influence - which we will get.
  11. .journey518.

    .journey518. Forum Greenhorn

    GO now listen to their feedback from BP, they removed 2 items.. you guys are all SMART, just smart bravo keep informing them so the game will die soon because of you
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Is that your goal?
    You see ... I don't need crafting 2.0 for that kind of gloves ... I already have better.
    Now ... baragain made the math theory which is showing that the overall cost of Crap 2.0 has been actually increased instead of decreased.
    I tested that at TS and the result is astonishing .
    It Not just took me more time to craft one item ... but it took me almost x10 resources to craft one item ... compared to the initial Craft 2.0 version. And the most important part ... I am not taking account of the spent gold and melt from the destroyed items if they were sold or melted ... if we calculate that ... the pricing will blow high into EPIC proportions.
    Another spot of my analysis:
    We can keep only the first two items in the process of reverting ... why is that made that way?
    The answer is simple ... they only showed in public the general set of rules ... but not the other subsets of rules. Like i.e. enchantments distribution. :)
    This is not random process but rather staged process. It is easy to make rules to screw you over and over again when you have 2 constant slots and you fake the enchantment distribution into those other 2. If they were honest in their intention they would make it selectable ... you would have to select what 2 items should be kept and what 2 should be destroyed ... and that would be made so you can choose the items after the item is crafted and you want to revert. That way they can't control the crafting that easy ... because they would not know what items are source for the crafted item and what items are just a junk items. This way like Crap 2.0 is ... they have easy possibility for implementing the staged subsets of rules.
    Even if they check for golden lines they wouldn't know what lines I would wan't to see in my final product ... because I could insert crap items with unwanted golden stats (i.e. golden crit or crit damage).
    So in conclusion this Crap 2.0 is just a fart.
    It is very easy to cheat "randomness" when you are using coin with both same sides or dice with 3 + 3 same sides.

    So I will throw one conspiracy theory about the Craft 2.0.
    It is clearly they can't implement "false flag Crap 2.0" ... and it is clear they will not go with the initial version of Craft 2.0
    What would they do? Most probably they will go with modified version of craft 2.0 ... where the prices for the crafting will be doubled.
  13. Armando

    Armando Forum Connoisseur

    I know, and that is why I keep saying that crafting 2.0 will make it easier for "normal" players to catch up a bit - our room for improvement just from target crafting enchantment types is much bigger.
  14. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    And you have no comment about the second part of my post?
  15. Armando

    Armando Forum Connoisseur

    Not really. I am a computer scientist. One of the main things I learned during my studies is that we are a lazy bunch of people, always seeking the easiest way of implementation.
    Plus, I don't have too much confidence in the abilities of the DSO programmers (sorry!).
    So, I don't believe in your conspiracy theory, but I think it was just the easiest (interface development) option to refund the first 2 items, and not to give us a choice at reverting time.
    Full stop.
    You may find that p.o.v. naive... Which is why I didn't mean to make it public, but as you asked for it... ;)
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    What a coincidence ... so am I.
    Who said it is conspiracy theory?
    It is real.
  17. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    With the player friendly version it will already take luck, farming for gold, targeted crafting and up to 10K in gold for 1 item. That is hard enough. When you take into consideration how many players can't farm the fatal maps/bosses, how much longer will it take them?

    There is simply no reason (other than placating the whiners) to make this any harder.
  18. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    There's only one thing that I don't get about all this Crafting 2.0 discussion... :oops:

    What's a computer scientist?

  19. Armando

    Armando Forum Connoisseur

    A scapegoat to blame for the mistakes management made.

    A man flying in a hot air balloon suddenly realizes he’s lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts to get directions, "Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?"
    The man below says: "Yes. You're in a hot air balloon, hovering 30 feet above this field."
    "You must work in Information Technology,"
    says the balloonist.
    "I do" replies the man. "How did you know?"
    says the balloonist, "everything you have told me is technically correct, but it's of no use to anyone."
    The man below replies, "You must work in management."
    "I do,"
    replies the balloonist, "But how'd you know?"*
    "Well", says the man, "you don’t know where you are or where you’re going, but you expect me to be able to help. You’re in the same position you were before we met, but now it’s my fault."

    BTW, for Traki:
    [​IMG] (from XKCD)
    _Baragain_ and trakilaki like this.
  20. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Why all Pascal programmers ask to live in Atlantis?
    Because it is below C level.

    BTW ...
    Dragonnns and _Baragain_ like this.
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