New Moon (NEW)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by trakilaki, Jul 21, 2016.

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  1. .proba.

    .proba. Forum Apprentice

    I get 5 black tokens. So you say its game of chance that you will get light or dark? Its matter of normal or hard queen and it should not depend on luck. I say "luck" because I didnt make any choice.... simply I did quest that is given to me.

    Amount of drops? Today I start with 29 wood (that I have left from yesterday tripple click) and count. First run 17 wood, second run ONLY 4 wood and since I get 50 I went to queen map... and there I get 8 wood.

    My opinion is that should not be feature. Simply clicking on cauldron while buff is still on may not be effective. Using amphora as resource is not a option for most players.

    Ok. That was my fist run on queen. Today I use blue ess and kill her under 2 min but Im not shure that will do the trick for most players.

    -- MERGED --

    And to counter Trakilaki "white way" ... :)

    Last edited by moderator: Jul 24, 2016
  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    No. At 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6 and 5/6, you get to chose which head you accept the quest from and that determines if you get the light or dark token.
    You forget... a key part of the moon events if farming in between the events for the stuff you will need during the actual moon event. Even if they don't change the non event farming map, 1 run of Blackborg daytime would be enough wood for 2 runs of the boss. And don't forget about the amphora. One amphora gives you enough wood for 3-6 boss runs. I live by the motto "Work Smarter, Not Harder." Right now, we have the Dark Dwarf Heist and it is unique because it is one of the only events that you can "farm" amphora keys. So, the "smarter" thing to do is stockpile a little now with the intent to use them during the revamped new moon event.
    trakilaki likes this.
  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Yes ... so far we don't know what the day map is dropping or is there a day map at all.
  4. .proba.

    .proba. Forum Apprentice

    I realise that last night. Few days ago it was crowd around Pummrana/Caridwen and I always keep zoom on min. So in that condition I was complete unaware that there are 2 traders/quest givers. When I start the quest I didnt chose, simply click of chance... and later I just follow question mark. I imagine on regular server, with lots of players, many will miss that point.

    I like your "work smart" idea but we have time till 5th august to gather wood... or if Im wrong till R170. After that Trakilaki made nice observation about day map. But my main point was that gathering wood only on event map is not enough because it is here said that it is sufficient to collect wood on event map so players dont need to spand lots of mat. frag.

    And two more observation in last two days.... first, I only get 5 blossoms from one kill. Knowing my luck that is probably minimum amount :( . But to get 480 blossoms (3x Tier3) is at least 48 kills. That means atleast 550 mat frags, 48 scrolls and 24000 wood (if queen is killed in 2 min).

    Second, I did daily and I get more mat frags in normal play than when I have Thabo bonus (+25/50%).

    -- MERGED --

    I search players and get thechosenone lvl2... [EDIT]
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 24, 2016
  5. Anyki

    Anyki User

    @.proba. - Please obey forum rules and do not post consecutively. Use the "Edit" button at the bottom of your post instead.

  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    As far as I know x5 blossom is the only drop (I may be wrong ... but I was getting only x5)
    To complete all white OR all black items you will need:
    - 480 blossom
    - 96 scrolls
    - 96x50 = 4800 fairy wood

    The buff from the cauldron is 1 minute and 40 seconds ... not 2 or 3 minutes XD

    You were searching Grimmag or TS?
  7. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Really? I just saw "1 Min" and assumed. I didn't time it or even wast the time to hover my mouse over the buff.
  8. .proba.

    .proba. Forum Apprentice

    So Im not jinx :). That double my numbers (if you overlook one zero which appeared out of nowhere :) ). So whole year of New Moon for one queen set.... (8 scrolls per event x 12 months = 96 scrolls/kills)

    I search TS since you post screenshot in post #14. Or you can find me.... Karakondzula, lvl50, SM.

    And that 1min 40sec will be changed, I think that BP will get lots of complaints from players on regular servers.
  9. Troneck86

    Troneck86 Forum Great Master

    That seems a bit excessive. Does anyone know if tier 1 or tier 2 drops from boss kills?
  10. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    No. The drop list for the boss map didn't list the items.

    Regarding 96 needed to finish one set meaning that it will a year to get, that isn't quite true. There is still that source of scrolls that trakilaki was talking about. Personally, I'll be getting the Tier 3 boots in the first time the event comes up in the live servers.

    Here is a hint:
    Much of this game is about preparation. If you don't prepare now, during the Dark Dwarf Heist, then you won't be prepared to get the set in less time and it will take you 12 months to get the full set. I only care about the boots, so that's all I'm preparing for, but I'll be ready to get the boots either next month or September, depending on when R170 comes out relative to the next new moon.

    P.S. Trakilaki may not have outright said how to get them, but between my hint and what he has already posted, you have more than enough information to figure it out. Start at the beginning and reread the thread and see if you can fugue it out.
    trakilaki likes this.
  11. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    Does Malyssa's magical scrolls work or should I spend them all before R170?
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I don't know I have only scroll for hard mode ... which of course is not working .

    Reading between the line is the key for success. :D
  13. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I wouldn't count on it.
  14. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Nevermind ... read my Wiki wall ... the answer is there XD
  15. Nostradamus88

    Nostradamus88 Active Author

    till now i got to farm 50 keys of amphora. is it ok or do you think to go further?
  16. .proba.

    .proba. Forum Apprentice

    Aha... I got it. But math is realy croul. One Tier3 is 32 kills/scrolls, so substract 8 from progres and you got 24. So final math is 24 x 5 x 400 = 48k ... you are right, its must be real hard core player.

    Whole set in one event.... 176k .... too much for me :) .
  17. Vayne

    Vayne Forum Apprentice

    Just answer me one thing...
    should i try the normal or golden ones?(Festive Amphora)

    EDIT: Sorry, I mean in the NEW new moon event.
    I'm already farming Amphorae Keys, I have 110 keys so far and would like to know if I should go for the normal or golden chests in the new moon event next month?
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
  18. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I popped a couple golden chests on my dwarf (who won't be bothering with the reworked new moon event as the gear is all crit focused). It was giving out i think 50 pure viscanium and 20 draken and a few other things that i can't remember.

    I would say that if you are a SW or a Ranger, saving keys for new moon is better. Probably also a good idea if you're a DK. If you're a SM, its kind of like whatever.
  19. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    But you are forgetting something...

    I have 66 amphora keys and climbing. It helps that I only care about one item.
  20. mjmuju

    mjmuju Junior Expert

    Eh, sorry for asking, but I still don't get it. So, I still needs to farm woods before the event due, right? How much woods are needed? Is there any changes in the 'before event' map?
    And on what date is r170 will be released? Is the next New Moon (6 Aug) is the [NEW] New Moon already?
    Man, I'm so silly and confused :oops:
    I still need to complete my Chaser Set though, so I hope the chaser's drop rate will be increased :D
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