Feedback Sands of Malice - test server

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Sunlight, Feb 21, 2017.

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  1. wangwang

    wangwang Active Author

    Thats great,i have tons of 3/4 legendaries to combine with lvl55 gears.

    Does tier matter in non-unique item?Maybe the base enchantment is higher?Thanks
  2. Mesala

    Mesala Advanced

    But if the gold lines from *old* items are fixed you cannot upgrade them like you can the new ones.
    Perfect example was on the facebook where a guy merged his current lvl 50 weapon with a new item that has new golden line.
    He ended up with 3x50ish lines (old) and one 70% weapon increased line, which is new. So when he upgraded the weapon the 50 lines remained the same, while the 4th one was rising with the lvl upgrade. Same thing for all the items.

    If you have a ring for example 3x golden crit dmg lines cca 15% and you input a new line of 16% with craft, so the end result is like 52-ish lvl ring, when you click on upgrade, the only line that gets upgraded is the 16% one.

    So you end up with a ring lvl 60 that has 3x15, 1x20% critical dmg, that would mean ok, it will do for now, but in the long run you will re-craft entire gear so it can get furthermore boosted. If I am wrong about this, please correct me. :p

    Somehow I doubt it they will allow current crafted gear to be upgradeable like the new items. I am speaking about the upgrade of fixed lines like critical dmg, weapon damage. I don't know what happens with dmg overall % on armor, or running speed on boots, or speed gloves.

    Keep in mind I speak about perfect gear, not good gear which is the one where you combine your goodies from 50, and goodies from 55. Hardcore players won't waste their time with that, they will just re-create new gear.
  3. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Ofc, this mechanic is not useful for lvl 55 gear. When I get there I'll begin fresh. My lvl 50 uniques and legendarys will be melted; just like my lvl 45s were, and my lvl 40s :p

    In the mean time though it's good to know that I can continue to tinker with my gear. It's just what I do :D

    Luck be with ye,
    EhtovK likes this.
  4. Zed

    Zed Forum Pro

    because your TS char is named TheChosenOne.
    GET IT
    trakilaki likes this.
  5. AlexCC

    AlexCC Someday Author

    Quick question: when will the expansion be available in the regular servers?
  6. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there heroes,

    Here you can check everything about Sands of Malice, coming tomorrow 28th to Dracania! ;)
    Enjoy and EN Team hopes this thread can clarify some of your questions.

    If not, use feedback thread to ask us and we will try to find out the answers ;)
    Gevilson likes this.
  7. DeadDragon123

    DeadDragon123 Forum Apprentice

    Can t wait for twitch to get details.
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Yes it does ... higher tier items have higher base stats.
    wangwang likes this.
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